Chapter 4: Friend or Foe

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I looked in the mirror one last time. My hair was pulled back in a high ponytail with my bangs left down to frame my face. Before leaving for her trip Auntie had chosen my outfit for my first day of school. I was wearing a pale pink undershirt with a lightweight white jacket that covered up my arms completely along with light wash skinny jeans. White ankle boots with small heels completed the look. The clothes seemed extremely fancy for going to school especially since my previous private school had a mandatory uniform, but I trusted Auntie's fashion sense.

Swinging my almost empty backpack over one shoulder I thought of all the notebooks and textbooks that would soon fill it with anticipation. I was excited to be able to own up to the fact that I was a complete nerd. In my old school, I had a dangerous image; most people had no idea that I was the top student in the school. Even if they had seen my name on the honor roll they wouldn't have associated it with me. I shook my head and smiled at my reflection. I don't need to hide anymore, I thought to myself firmly.

I arrived at school to find the parking lot almost completely empty. I looked down at my watch and chuckled to myself. In my excitement, I had somehow managed to arrive an hour early. Shrugging, I headed to the doors and discovered happily that they were open as they swung in without resistance.

Slowly I wandered the halls, looking at all of the nameplates above the doors and trying to remember as many as possible. The school appeared to be divided into wings: Science wing, English wing, Math wing, and so on. After my exploration was complete, I realized that a couple of students had started trickling in, probably from club meetings and practices, I assumed.

Turning around, I made my way back to the front of the school where the principal's office was located and noticed a door down the hall labeled "Student Council Room." Feeling curious, I walked over and knocked lightly. I heard a faint, "Come in" and let myself in as directed. The room was large with desks arranged in a U shape facing a large desk where a boy with golden hair was sitting. He looked up from a paper he was reading and I met his gold eyes head-on and I couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"You really are the student council president."

Nathaniel looked stunned and a little hurt at my comment."You thought I was lying?" he asked with a frown.

I could feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and I bit my lip slightly before shaking my head. "N-no. You had no reason to lie about something like that. I'm sorry," I apologized, feeling foolish.

His face relaxed and he waved a hand in dismissal. "Don't worry about it. Did you bring the fee and photo?"

I pulled out the photo I had gotten yesterday and the 25 dollars from my purse I had stashed in my backpack, handing them both to Nathaniel. "You said something about an enrollment form? I thought I turned that in with my other paperwork?"

Nathaniel nodded, "Yes, you filled it out, but someone must have given you an outdated class schedule because you signed up for a couple of classes that we don't actually offer, I'm afraid to say."

I blinked in surprise. "Which ones?"

Nathaniel pulled out a sheet of paper from the file he had placed my picture into and studied it for a minute. He then pointed to the bottom of the page.

"You signed up for AP Calculus and AP Government. However, both of those classes were taken off the roster a couple of years ago due to lack of participation."

My shoulders slumped and I barely resisted the urge to sigh. I had been excited to see that they had those classes so that I wouldn't have felt like I had wasted my time in my old school by taking the classes my junior year instead of my senior. I had even moved around my schedule to make sure they fit in.

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