Chapter 52: School Spirit!

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Tuesday and Wednesday flew by in a flurry of homework, dance lessons, and planning with Rosalya. Before I knew it, I found myself walking out of AP Psychology to the smiling face of Dajan on Thursday afternoon.

"How are you always here when I get out of my class? It doesn't take me that long to get my stuff together," I pointed out and Dajan grinned, wiggling his dark eyebrows at me.

"I turn invisible and sneak out of my class every day so I can walk you to lunch," he answered teasingly and I laughed causing him to chuckle along with me. "Seriously though, I have weight training fourth period. We always get out early so we have time to cool off or shower if we need it," Dajan explained and I nodded in understanding as we walked up to my locker.

Once we got to the cafeteria I got in line for the chow mein while Dajan went into the hamburger line. Smiling kindly at the woman behind the partition I accepted a tray filled with noodles mixed with cabbage and carrots, two egg rolls, and what looked like a small bowl of hot and sour soup. Rosalya waved energetically at me from their table and I made my way over, sitting down in the open space next to Jason and leaving space between me and Sterling which Dajan claimed moments later. I took a bite of my egg roll and smiled at the gentle flavor. Just as I took another bite Dajan bumped my elbow, prompting me to look up at him.

"Hey, Sato, since the tournament is technically an away game for us, will you wear my home game jersey tomorrow?" Dajan asked. 

I blinked in surprise, temporarily forgetting to chew as I digested his unexpected request.

"Hey, no fair! I want Sato to wear my jersey too!" Troy quipped, leaning around Jason to look at me and I smiled in amusement at his antics.

"I'll wear your jersey, Troy," Rosalya piped in and I blinked over at her in surprise.

"Really, Rosa?" Troy asked happily and she smiled widely at him.

"Sure! I think it'd be fun! Brandon, you should let Iris wear yours," Rosalya said with a too-innocent smile. 

Iris immediately blushed and turned to stare down at her half-eaten hamburger. Brandon blinked, glancing at me for a second before averting his gaze and shrugging.

"Whatever," he muttered before taking another bite of his pizza. Iris looked up at him in surprise, her cheeks only a few shades lighter than her hair color.

"What about me?" Jason asked petulantly and Rosa waved her hand.

"Don't worry, Kim can wear yours. Just give it to Opal and she can get it to Kim," Rosalya stated with a smile in my direction. I watched in mild bewilderment as Troy and Jason high fived each other.

"You never said you would wear mine, Sato," Dajan said, nudging me once again. I turned my attention back to him, tilting my head back to look up into his smiling face.

"Do you want me to wear it just when we're cheering for you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm hoping if people see you wearing my jersey they'll see there are at least a few people seriously supporting us and maybe we'll get a bigger turnout. If you could wear it all day that'd be great," Dajan said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't think I have that big of an influence, but I don't mind wearing your jersey if Rosa and Iris are going to do it too," I replied and Rosa clapped.

"We'll have to take a picture with all of us surrounded by the basketball team!" Rosa exclaimed with a sparkle in her eyes and I laughed.

"Maybe I'll have to find a girl to wear my jersey too," Sterling remarked lazily from Dajan's other side and I smiled down at my tray. I had an inkling of who Sterling actually liked and I wondered if he was planning to ask her.

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