Chapter 66: Silenced by a Kiss

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A steady beeping of a heart monitoring system pinged through my foggy brain. I shifted in the strange bed I was in and instantly groaned as pain lanced through my chest. Blinking reluctantly I looked around the hospital room and I jerked in surprise when running footsteps caught my attention. Whimpering slightly at the pain of the jerky motion I looked up into Shin Woo's relief-filled expression as he ran up to my hospital bed. Someone had bandaged his head and as he reached for my hand that didn't have an IV stuck in it I frowned deeply when I saw the gauze covering his knuckles.

"Thank goodness, I was so worried, Opal," Shin Woo said with a huge sigh. I flicked my eyes up to look at him and I gently squeezed his hand, not wanting to hurt his injuries.

"I'm sorry, Shin Woo. But, why did you come...?" I asked hesitantly, not wanting him to think I wasn't happy he had been there. Shin Woo gently sat on the edge of my bed so he was facing me and rubbed my hand tenderly.

"Yuki-chan called me on her way to work and asked me to go over and watch you. She was worried that you would try to do too much while she was at work," he explained softly. 

I chuckled lightly with chagrin and then winced as my ribs complained. Shin Woo frowned and looked at the pouch of liquid hanging from a stand that was connected to the needle in the back of my hand.

"The nurse said you shouldn't be feeling any pain. I'll call her," he said, moving to push the red button on the side of the bed. I squeezed his hand firmly and he looked back at me before pressing it.

"I'm okay, Shin Woo. The last time I was in a hospital the doctor said that since I've come in so often my body has built up a kind of immunity to pain medication. If I want the pain to go away then I have to get so much medicine that it normally knocks me out. I don't want to sleep yet," I mumbled. 

Shin Woo's eyes darkened visibly but he sat back down and returned my pressure as he squeezed my hand.

"I called Yuki-chan as soon as we got to the hospital. She didn't tell me everything but is it true that that man who was choking you... is he really your father?" Shin Woo asked. 

Slowly I bowed my head and nodded. Shin Woo muttered something in Korean under his breath and I looked up at him with tears threatening to spill from behind my eyes.

"I'm so sorry he hurt you, Shin Woo," I managed to say. Shin Woo frowned but then he quickly smiled and waved one of his hands dismissively.

"Don't worry about it. It gave me an excuse to bring out my Tae Kwon Do," he said with an easy grin. 

I tried to echo his smile but I couldn't quite manage it. Hesitantly I turned away from Shin Woo and looked around the room. I sighed in relief when I looked over to see that Castiel was lying in a hospital bed a few feet away from me.

"His nose was fractured, they stitched up the cut on his cheek, and he has a cracked rib. He tried to tell the doctors he didn't need to be admitted as a patient but they forced him to get an X-Ray then they gave him some pain medicine and he fell asleep almost instantly," Shin Woo said with a calming smile. 

I watched Castiel breathing rhythmically in his sleep and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly as I remembered telling him that I wanted to stay with him.

"Yuki told me a bit about what was going on with you two last night when they found you with hypothermia. Did you two figure it out?" Shin Woo asked with a slightly teasing glint in his eyes. 

I felt my cheeks heat up some more, wondering if he had seen the unexpected kiss Castiel gave me. I shrugged, feeling a small smile tug at the corners of my lips.

"I think so," I whispered.

Shin Woo chuckled and rubbed the back of my hand again. Suddenly a loud but faraway voice yelled out my name and I straightened, wincing painfully as my rib complained at the sudden movement. Shin Woo stood up, still holding my hand in his and we both watched as seconds passed and the hospital room door was flung open.

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