Chapter 56: Dajan's POV

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A/N The video isn't super necessary to watch, but if you wanted to know what Opal's throw would look like in real life then feel free to watch it :P

I watched Sato run off down the hall to get cleaned up and frowned, wondering why I felt weird about her being alone. Sterling called me over to finish our foosball game though so I followed him, trying to bury the weird feeling I was having. When I overheard Iris telling Rosa that Sato needed to take a shower I glanced around for a clock and frowned when I didn't see one readily in view.  After what felt like half an hour and Sato still wasn't back I made an excuse of forgetting my phone and hurried back to the room I would be sharing with Brandon, Sterling, and Dax.

I really did forget my phone, I thought to myself as I slipped the solid rectangle into my basketball shorts and waited for a minute in my room, trying to come up with a non-creepy way of asking for the girl's room number. When no obvious answers came to me I sighed and left the room, telling myself I was just imagining things.

I had just gotten back to the game room floor when I heard what sounded like Sato's voice. I sighed with relief and turned the corner of the hallway but came to an abrupt stop when I saw three of the Muheim High players brazenly blocking Sato's way. 

Anger began to boil inside me as I saw the lewd expressions on the three jerks faces. When Sato tried to leave and the lead jerk grabbed her shoulder I strode forward, grabbed his wrist and yanked it 180 degrees. He let out a yelp but I didn't care and pushed against his arm to force the three shorter guys back so I could shield Sato's vulnerable form from their view.

Trying to contain the rage that was coursing through my blood I gripped the guy's arm even tighter, causing him to wince. I slowly and clearly asked what he thought he was doing. The leader's two friends standing behind him looked between them and I could tell they were unsure what to do.

So you'll take on a lone girl but you're not man enough to face me? I thought as fury continued to course through me.

"Come on, you guys murdered us out there. You owe us some... compensation," the lead guy said with a suggestive look behind me. 

Without thinking I raised my clenched left fist. I would have punched the jerk straight in the nose but a sudden weight pulled my elbow down as Sato practically threw herself onto my arm.

"Don't do it, Dajan!" she yelled with desperation in her voice. I blinked down at her as she used all of her strength, which I was surprised was quite considerable, to keep my left arm down.

"You heard what this jerk just said, Sato," I snarled, glaring at the guy who looked like he had just seen his life flash before his eyes.

"If you hit him you won't be able to play tomorrow," she argued with equal vehemence and I felt my mouth drop open in shock.

Is she seriously trying to protect me in this situation? I thought to myself incredulously.

"Do you think I care about that right now? He practically threatened to sexually assault you! He could be arrested for that," I spit, leveling a glower at him. I saw both of his friends visibly pale and begin to take small steps backward.

"It does matter because if you can't play tomorrow then the team will have lost its foundation! They depend on you, Dajan. Don't throw them away for some jerk who doesn't know what sportsmanship means." 

Sato's words resonated in me as I thought of my team and looked at the cowering guy whose arm I still held twisted in my hand. I looked down at Sato in her pajamas and wet hair in a braid that was resting against my forearm and a realization hit me like a bolt of lightning.

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