Chapter 8: A Thespian's Voice

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As I left World History the image of Castiel with his legs on his desk and tipping his chair on its back legs while watching me come into the room would not leave my mind. Even though I knew it was crazy, it felt like he had been waiting for me. Shaking my head firmly I squeezed the books in my arms and rolled my eyes at myself. He didn't even say anything to me so stop being conceited, Opal, I chided myself. Pushing his piercing grey eyes out of my mind I walked into Shakespeare class and took my seat.

Several students had beaten me to class and were talking animatedly. I watched as the rest of my classmates arrived until Lysander walked in. He was still wearing his Victorian-style clothes and he seemed to be staring into space even as he walked fluidly to his seat. I faced forward, not wanting him to notice how interesting I found him. I wondered where he had gotten his clothes, but even more so I wondered about his entrancing eyes.

When the bell rang Mr. Tremont bounded up to the front of the class. He then twirled around dramatically, making me clap a hand over my mouth to keep my giggles from bursting out. Mr. Tremont flashed me a grin, catching my giggle attack and then spread his arms wide to include all of the class.

"And so the time has come! Let us begin our journey into the depths of attitude adjustment at its finest!"

I pressed my hand even tighter against my mouth because of Mr. Tremont's summation of the "Taming of the Shrew". The first scene went by with many questions and comments on the drunken man who was tricked into thinking he was a nobleman. I had read my lines in scene one with a slightly deeper voice than my usual one since I had always pictured Kate having an alto voice and I had been rewarded with a brilliant smile from Mr. Tremont. Before I knew it there were only ten minutes left to class when we got to scene 2.

"Ah, and now we meet the fearless Petruchio! Mr. Lysander, if you please," Mr. Tremont prompted.

"Verona, for a while I take my leave..." I felt my breath catch as I listened to him speak. Every syllable had a place, every word had a meaning. His deep bass voice was rich and warm, filling the room with a feeling of power; I had never heard a voice like his before in my life. I watched him in awe as he played the audacious and arrogant Petruchio with a hint of dignity that I had never before associated with his character. When the bell rang, signaling the class was over for the day, the harsh sound seemed to grate against my ears after listening to Lysander's voice.

"Make sure you read through the next two scenes tonight, today's discussion was marvelous!" Mr. Tremont said as everyone began leaving the classroom. I sat mutely in my seat and watched as Lysander seemed to glide out of the room with grace I hadn't noticed before.

"He's quite magnificent, is he not?" I blinked and looked up at Mr. Tremont who was giving me an amused look. I felt my cheeks go hot and I stood up quickly.

"Oh well, yes... he... I-I... NO... I mean...." Mr. Tremont laughed as I stammered and made a shooing motion with his hands.

"You'll be late if you keep dawdling, Ms. Opal." I felt the heat turn up a notch in my cheeks and I dashed out of the room.

Minutes later I sat down in Art class and laid my head on the table, covering my head with my arms. What in the world had gotten into me?! It's just that I've never heard someone with a voice like that, I told myself. I'm very sensitive to voices since I listen to music all the time. There was no reason for me to get embarrassed like that!

"Umm, are you... are you alright?" I brought my head out from under my arms to see a girl with bright purple hair looking at me with concern. I felt my blush begin to return and I shook my head vigorously, trying to make them stop.

"You aren't? Oh dear, are you sick? Should I take you to the nurse?" The girl asked nervously, glancing around the room as if looking for the teacher.

"Oh! No, no. I'm sorry, it's nothing like that," I told her hurriedly. "I just... well I was a bit embarrassed, that's all," I said awkwardly as I felt another flush come on. Frustrated at myself I gritted my teeth, willing the heat to subside.

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