Chapter 47: The Ghost of Sweet Amoris High

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This chapter has several explanations so please bear with me! First: I do not own "Pain the Love of Heart" by Speed. Above is the song that Opal will be performing in this chapter. Please click and watch if you don't mind because I don't go into details about the dance moves except for the ones I made up. So watch the video and you'll see what she sounds and looks like as you read ;) I did however come up with the translation myself (not the Korean to English but the rough translation to sentences that make sense part). It is not word for word but it is syllable per syllable of their song and it took me forever to do so hopefully you guys like it!

Second when Opal is 'singing' and some of the words are in parentheses ( ) it means that those words are being sung in the background. Although she does sing the Cold wind wind wind part, just in a different key over top of the background. Also if a word is cut in half with a "-" it means the word takes up two beats in the song. So instead of 'pain' being one beat it would be 'pa-ain', lasting for two. I... think that's it :P

"Hold still, Opal, you have to look perfect tonight!"

It took every last ounce of self-control I had to keep myself from grinning up at Auntie who was applying a small layer of sparkles onto my lips. Once she was done she stood back and stared at my face. After what felt like an eternity she finally nodded and smiled.

"Wonderful! What do you think?"

She moved to the side so I could look into the mirror and I tried to hold back a gasp. My eyeliner was bold, holding up to the glimmering silver eye shadow Auntie had expertly layered onto my eyes that made my green eyes seem bigger than usual. Blush had been applied to my cheekbones, giving them a rosy tint, and as I tilted my head my lips sparkled in the light.

"Wow... you really think no one will be suspicious?" I asked nervously and Auntie scoffed.

"You are probably the only girl on earth that doesn't do their makeup. People who have never seen you won't think twice about it and all of your friends will be backstage," Auntie said flippantly. "Now for the best part!"

She reached up and undid the clasp holding my hair back from my face and it fell all around me. I looked in the mirror again and felt my mouth drop open. It looked like every single strand of my hair was shimmering and as I tilted my head it continued to shimmer and sparkle, making it look like threads of moonlight.

"Auntie... how?" I asked in wonder and she smiled triumphantly.

"Never underestimate a fashion designer! Half my job is to make sure the model's look matches the clothes," Auntie said with a wink and I grinned at her.

"You're amazing, Auntie!" She gave a mock curtsy and grinned cheekily.

"Why thank you, Opal. But we don't want people seeing that until your performance, so here."

Auntie pulled my hair up lightly in a bun, leaving only my bangs and a few strands of hair to frame my face down, before capturing my hair under a large gold hat. She stepped back and nodded.

"Good. I packed a brush in your costume bag; don't worry about brushing out the shimmer. It won't come out without a firm wash. Now, Shin Woo should be here any second so..."

Ding Dong. Auntie and I exchanged a surprised look and we both laughed.

"I'll get it. You get your shoes," I offered with a nervous smile.

Auntie nodded and left for her room while I walked to the front door and opened it to see a very dapper Shin Woo standing in the doorway. He was wearing black slacks, a burgundy long-sleeved dress shirt, a black vest, and shiny black shoes. Instead of his usual spiky hairstyle, he had left it down and parted it into a slick style that made him look very professional.

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