Chapter 5: Windows to the Soul

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I left the cafeteria early, leaving Kentin to talk with Iris and her friends. I went outside and walked over to the large maple tree in the middle of the courtyard. With a sigh, I sat down and leaned my back against its broad trunk, looking up through the leaves at the sky. I sat silently, tuning out all the noises coming from the school and losing myself in the sky, letting go of my sadness and frustration at the world and the people who thought their personal problems could be solved by seeing someone else suffer.

Slowly, I lowered my gaze, closing my eyes as I did, but they popped back open when I realized that someone was looking at me. I stared at the boy in front of me and he met my eyes with his steely grey ones. My mind went blank as we continued to stare at each other, not saying a word. Finally, I blinked and I realized that he was smirking at me. Blinking again broke the spell I had been under and allowed me to finally see to whom the grey eyes belonged.

He was tall, probably around six feet, with blood-red hair. He was wearing a dark red shirt with what looked like a band logo, a leather jacket, and black pants with a chain looped on one side. I continued staring at him without saying anything, not knowing what was going on. The boy knelt down and leaned toward me with a superior look in his eyes.

"You're in my spot," he stated bluntly.

I furiously told my brain to function properly, but all I could do was blink in response. He smirked at me again and suddenly I had regained control of my body. I scooted to the side quickly, before standing up and brushing off my hands. The boy laughed and propped himself against the tree's trunk as I had done.

"What an obedient little puppy you are."

I cleared my throat and wondered if I should just leave, but I had no desire to go back into the school quite yet. Cautiously, I looked down at the boy who was pulling out an mp3 player from his pocket. He looked up at me and I looked away quickly, glancing up once again at the sky.

"So, who are you?"

I turned back to the boy in surprise. He didn't seem like the type to talk to random girls.

"My name is Opal. I'm new."

"Figured you were. I'm Castiel."

With that, he put his headphones securely in his ears and turned on his mp3 player. Not knowing what to do, I walked over to the bench a little ways away and sat down. No sooner had I sat down than the bell rang to end the lunch period. I stood to leave and glanced back at Castiel. He hadn't moved. I chewed my lip, wondering if I should let him know. In the end, I turned and headed inside the school. I grabbed my notebook from my locker and made it to my World History class with minutes to spare.

Once again, I sat in the front row next to the window and I realized I must be directly below my Chemistry class since I had a nice view of the parking lot. The tardy bell rang and the teacher went up to the front of the class and began to take roll. Students raised their hands calling out "Here" until the teacher called out, "Castiel."

My back went ramrod straight and I glanced around the room nervously. No one answered and I didn't see any sight of him. In my mind's eye, I could see him leaning against the tree trunk with his headphones in. I chewed my lip, wishing that I had told him the bell had rung when the door opened and Castiel sauntered in. The teacher frowned at him.

"Castiel, first day back from school and you're late?"

Castiel shrugged and walked to the back of the classroom, sitting in the corner diagonal to me. I faced front and mentally chided myself. It was none of my business whether he showed up to class or not. After all, I had barely spoken three words to him, why should I care if he came to class or not? I began taking notes furiously as the teacher started a slide show about the economical standing of the major countries in the world. The period went by quickly and I forced myself to walk calmly out of the classroom without looking back at Castiel.

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