Chapter 21: New Students

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"Come on, Opal, you have to make a statement on the first day of your senior year!" Auntie begged while holding up one of her mini dresses.

"It's just not my style, Auntie," I said as kindly as I could while rummaging in my closet.

"Okay fine, but you're not allowed to wear a jacket!" Auntie huffed and I grinned.

"I'm not going to. It's way too hot for that!" I said, relishing the fact that I didn't have to hide my arms anymore.

I pulled out a pair of black leggings, a denim miniskirt, and a long shimmery white shirt with thick straps that had a pretty layer of lace on the top and bottom. "What about this?"

"Hmmm. I suppose it has its charm," Auntie said with a small smile before she knelt down and picked out some white wedges that she had bought for me over the summer. The heel was about three inches but they were surprisingly easy to walk in.

"Wear these with it and take my crystal necklace, then it'll be perfect."

"Are you sure?" I asked and Auntie smiled brightly at me.

"Of course! But I do have a condition for letting you borrow it."

"What's that?"

"Send me a picture of you with all of your friends," she said firmly. My eyes narrowed when I detected a hint of mischief in her expression.

"Ummmm sure. Iris and Violette will probably be fine with that."

"Oh no, not your girlfriends."

I felt the blood drain from my face as I realized what she was getting at. "Auntie! I can't just go up to the boys and ask for a picture with them!"

"Why not? Just snap a shot with your phone and text it to me. I'll go grab that necklace," she said with a confident grin and whisked out of my room before I could argue anymore.

I flopped onto my bed with a small moan and entertained the thought for a moment that Auntie might just be psychic. Honestly, I had been thinking I needed to stay away from the guys and I knew if Auntie had heard that thought she would have done anything she could to change my mind. But what Auntie didn't know was that I was terrified that I was going to be found out by them.

If Castiel figured out I was a mistake after only a day with me, what would happen if I got closer to Nathaniel or Lysander? Lysander was so observant; he was probably the most dangerous. But... Maybe... if Castiel didn't say anything and I made sure not to spend too much time with them... maybe it would be fine to get just a little closer to them. Just as friends, of course. I almost wished Kentin was still here. He had been so supportive of me and so blind to my faults, he would never have figured out I was a mistake.

"Here you go, Opal! Hurry up and get dressed or you'll be late!" Auntie urged me while laying her necklace on my dresser.

I watched her go, still not sure how I felt about this plan. Eventually I shrugged and got changed, putting a black headband in my hair and fastening the necklace around my neck for the finishing touches. Looking in the mirror, I gently touched the necklace Auntie was lending me and smiled. I'd never owned any jewelry before and I actually kind of liked the sparkle. Smiling one more time at the pretty crystal, I packed my backpack and walked into the living room where Auntie was waiting.

"Don't forget your cell phone!" she said brightly, handing it to me.

"Auntie, why are you doing this to me?" I groaned as I walked out the door. Auntie followed me, locking the door behind us.

"Because I haven't seen them in a month; I want to see if they've changed at all. Why do you think I'm doing it?" she asked sweetly, batting her eyes at me. I groaned again but couldn't keep from laughing.

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