Chapter 61: Castiel's POV

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When I heard Opal's soft footsteps walk past the dining hall without pausing I closed my eyes briefly as I tried to get my raging emotions under control.

Why did she have to come today... Of all days? 

My mind replayed seeing Mom walk out of our front door without looking back and then her shocked expression when I called out to her. Anger and frustration bubbled through me and I gritted my teeth to keep from letting out any expletives.

Slowly I made my way to the ridiculously large dining room table. I looked at the monstrosity and couldn't remember a single time when there had been enough people to actually fill the stupid thing. Glancing down I saw the normal offering that Mom left behind. A small glass dish with several hundred dollar bills and a note on top of the stack. Also as per usual, there was a small wine glass with a ring of dark red liquid at the bottom. A humorless chuckle escaped my throat as I glared at the glass.

She always has time to drink some wine, but she couldn't even be bothered to text me that she was here, I thought as anger and frustration floated through me. 

Not really knowing why I bothered, I reached out and took the wine glass in my hand at the same time as I picked up the note she had left.

Hello, Darling!

I'm sorry I missed you. My latest project was a huge success! The city gave me an award for my design and I had several other businessmen from Sydney try to commission me as their head architect. I had to let them down, of course, since I already have my next project lined up, but maybe I'll go back there someday!

While I was working on the project there though I met a local CEO of a large recording studio in Sydney and he said his band was looking for a talented guitarist! I'll leave his contact information below so you can call him if you are interes...

I crumpled the note in my hand before I could read any further.

You could have told me all this if you just texted me, Mom. I thought bitterly. 

I could feel my anger growing and I knew it was a little irrational but anger felt so much better than the alternative. If I was angry I wouldn't have space to feel things like self-pity or sadness which I hated more than anything. Who needed parents anyways?

The sound of glass shattering and sharp pain in my palm suddenly pulled me out of my thoughts. I yelled out in surprise and pain before slowly opening my hand that had just crushed Mom's wine glass. The bloody gash in the fleshy part of my thumb seemed to mock me and I glowered down at it as frustration bubbled inside me.

"Flip!" I growled angrily, just as the sound of running feet met my ears.

I looked up just as Opal ran into the dining room, her green eyes wide with concern. I quickly clenched my hand into a fist to try and hide the injury from her, but I winced as I felt something sharp push deeper into my palm. Faster than I could believe, Opal was at my side and reached out one hand under my bleeding hand to catch the drip of blood in her open palm.

"Go into the kitchen," Opal ordered softly. Frustration at her seeing me like this bubbled and I heard a growl rise up from my throat.

"I can take care of it myself," I growled. 

To my surprise Opal shoved me with her other hand, causing me to stumble from the unexpected push. She glided after me, still catching my blood in her palm to keep it from dripping on the carpet.

"Move," she insisted firmly and I blinked in surprise.

What happened to the quiet and obedient Opal? I thought to myself. 

I Don't Deserve Love: Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now