Chapter 51: Planning and Permission

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"Hey, Opal," a familiar voice said. I smiled over my shoulder at Nathaniel who was just a few steps behind me.

"Hey, Nathaniel. How have things been going? I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while," I remarked while waiting outside of the classroom for the few seconds it took for Nathaniel to catch up.

"Yah, everything with the talent show had us both pretty busy it seems," Nathaniel agreed with an understanding smile. 

We walked into class together and I was surprised to see that Melody wasn't there. She normally seemed to beat Nathaniel and me to class.

"Have things calmed down for you since the secretary came back to school?" I asked and Nathaniel chuckled, setting his books down on his desk.

"In some ways, I guess. She offers to take me out to lunch at least once a week because she feels bad for having me take over for her," he said with an awkward smile and I laughed.

"Adults must really like you since you are so responsible. Where do you think you get that from?" I asked with interest, taking my seat next to his and he shrugged.

"I've always been more serious than people my age. My dad runs his own business and has had me work with him the last few summers to teach me the ropes. I think he hopes I'll follow his footsteps and be a take over the business someday," Nathaniel said with a small smile which I echoed.

"Do you and your dad have a good relationship?" I asked, mentally shoving aside memories of my own father that tried to make an appearance.

"I would say so. He spoils Amber like crazy, but when he praises me I know he's sincere, so I'm okay with it," Nathaniel said with a shrug.

I let out a thoughtful hmmmm sound, leaning my elbow on the desk and cupping my chin in my hand as I let my mind wander slightly. Over the years I had read a lot of books that depicted parents in many different ways. I wondered how mothers and fathers decided on their parenting style or if it was something instinctive that depended on the child and their circumstances.

"Hey, Nathaniel. Hi, Opal," Melody greeted while taking the open desk on Nathaniel's right. 

"Afternoon," Nathaniel responded and I smile over at her easily.

The teacher came in and I put thoughts of parents out of my mind and got ready to take notes. At the end of the period, I closed my notebook after making a notation in the side margin about a section I wanted to research further during my bus ride to Feel Da Beat.   

"So, are you going to the basketball tournament as well, Nathaniel?" I heard Melody ask as she stood next to his desk, waiting for him to pick up his things.

"No, I have a couple projects I am planning to work on over the weekend. I'm surprised you're going, Melody," Nathaniel said and Melody bit her lip fretfully.     

"Oh... actually I'm not going. I have a date with David this weekend. Do you think Rosa will forgive me eventually, Opal?" Melody asked as she looked over at me. I blinked up at her but then gave a bright smile as I stood up from my seat. 

"I think Rosa just got the idea of a girl's trip in her head. I'm sure there will be another opportunity for us all to hang out! It's important to follow through with the commitments you've already made," I said, hoping that my advise was soothing. Thankfully Melody did seem to relax and she gave me a shy smile. 

"You're going to the tournament, Opal?" Nathaniel asked as all three of us left the classroom.

"Yes, I am. I'm really excited to watch the boys play!" I replied happily. "Although I am going to have to work really hard to get all of my homework done early," I muttered to myself and Nathaniel nodded.

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