Chapter 45: You Will Become a Ghost!

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"Hurry up, Opal!" Alexy exclaimed as he practically dragged me behind him.

"You know, I didn't think you'd be this excited about the idea," I said, picking up my speed to match his almost running pace. Alexy looked down at me with his purple eyes burning excitedly.

"Are you kidding? I have the perfect idea! I'm going to be the best emcee in the history of high school emcees!"

I laughed, extremely glad that I chose to wear my tennis shoes instead of the three-inch heeled boots Auntie had suggested. The red scarf that she'd draped expertly around my neck, giving my outfit of black slacks and a thin white jacket a pop of color, whipped behind me as Alexy and I ran towards the school.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave Armin behind? He probably fell asleep as soon as you left the room."

"I reset the alarm; he'll be fine. Now come ON!"

We screeched into the courtyard in record time. Alexy stopped to catch his breath before following me into the school where I knocked on the student council room door.

"Come in," Nathaniel's voice called and I opened the door. He was over at the filing cabinet and smiled when he saw me walking in. "Good morning. Opal. Oh, you too, Alexy."

"Yo," Alexy responded, smiling ridiculously wide.

"Nathaniel, I think I have found the perfect emcee for you!"

Nathaniel's eyes traveled from me to Alexy who was still smiling brightly and slowly he nodded then grinned.

"You know what, I think you're right, Opal! This is great, let's go ask Mr. Tremont if he'll allow it."

"Awesome!" Alexy cried out, dashing out of the room.

Nathaniel and I shared a look and both started to chuckle as we followed him down the English hallway and through Mr. Tremont's open door.

"Ah, if it isn't Marc Antony and his Cleopatra back together again," Mr. Tremont remarked when he looked up from his desk. I shook my head, sighing and trying to keep from blushing. "But why has Puck joined you today? Isn't he a different play?" Mr. Tremont asked with one eyebrow cocked.

I couldn't help but laugh, realizing that Alexy would make the perfect Puck.

"I keep telling you my name is Alexy, Mr. Tremont. But that doesn't matter right now. I want to be the emcee for the talent show!" Alexy announced exuberantly and Mr. Tremont smiled.

"What an unusual request! Although my emcee will need to be very... trustworthy," he stated slowly while giving me a pointed look.

"Alexy IS trustworthy, Mr. Tremont. He wants to become a stylist in the future so he has been helping my auntie with a new... costume design. I can vouch for his character," I said, giving Mr. Tremont a meaningful look and he grinned broadly.

"Wonderful! Wouldn't it be marvelous if we could rehearse the talent show before school? Say at 6:45? I believe 6:45 would be the epitome of productivity and motivation for talented contestants and an energetic yet discrete emcee," Mr. Tremont said happily.

Wow, he's good, I couldn't help but think, but Nathaniel was rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Umm, I can suggest it to the principal... but I don't think many of the students would be okay with that..." Nathaniel said gently. I felt bad for him, but Mr. Tremont waved his hand dismissively.

"No, no, I understand the limits of this generation's youth. After school will be an agreeable rehearsal time."

"Okay then... Do you know when the first rehearsal will be taking place?" Nathaniel asked and Mr. Tremont shrugged dramatically.

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