Chapter 48: Fallen Angel

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Hi, me again. I mention a few songs in this chapter that I do not own in any way shape or form buuuuttttt I did write Lysander's song myself.

I held my final pose for a second as silence permeated the room; then suddenly thunderous applause erupted along with cheers and catcalls. Looking down at the audience I saw, to my shock, that there were even a few people standing up! I stood, looking out at everyone cheering for me and I smiled in utter relief, placing a hand against my racing heart and letting out a small sigh. Alexy burst from backstage, now wearing a basketball jersey with matching shorts; he even had a basketball tucked under his arm.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, give it up for the ghost of Sweet Amoris High: Opal Sato!"

The applause continued and I bowed, feeling like I wanted to cry from relief and happiness. Alexy took my hand and brought me back up, raising our fists high in the air. I grinned and waved at the crowd for a second and the cheers continued.

"Alright, while all the other contestants make their way back to the green room I think I'll take the opportunity to introduce you to Opal. Did you all like her dance?"

The cheers intensified again as the entire front row stood up and began making their way towards the side door that led into the school hallway. Alexy turned to me and I saw his eyes glimmering as he asked, "So, tell me, Opal, where did you find this fabulous costume? Give us a twirl!"

Without waiting for me to reply Alexy, who was still holding one of my hands, brought it up and led me into a slow spin. A couple of wolf whistles rang out and I blushed but grinned as I looked up at Alexy.

"My Aunt designed it with some help from her assistant," I said, my voice still being amplified by my microphone, and I gave a small wink at Alexy.

"Well, personally, I think it is absolutely stunning! What about me? What do you think of my outfit?"

He dropped my hand and spun around on his tiptoes like a ballerina, holding the basketball above his head, and I laughed with the audience.

"You look the part, but can you actually play basketball?" I asked teasingly and Alexy scoffed.

"She doubts me!" he exclaimed at the audience, which caused them to laugh again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement in the backstage area. Alexy craned his neck theatrically, shading his eyes as if he were looking at something far away.

"You know what, I think... Yes! I think we're ready to continue! Opal, would you like to help me introduce the next act since you are their unofficial tutor?" There was some murmuring in the crowd and Alexy flashed a smile at them. "That's right! Not only is she super talented, but Opal also happens to be our very own Valedictorian who takes the time to help those who are in academic need."

I laughed and swatted Alexy's arm playfully.

"The basketball boys are incredibly intelligent, I just hold study sessions to help them out every once in a while. But right now they're going to show off some awesome skills, right, Alexy?" I asked and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Hold onto your socks ladies and gents because they're about to be blown away by... The Basketball Bros!"

Applause sounded and Alexy took my hand. As we walked towards the edge of the stage the basketball boys came on, being led by Dajan. He held his hand up as we crossed paths and we high-fived, which of course started a chain, and as all the basketball boys passed me they gave me a high five and a bright smile.

"Opal, you were amazing out there!" Alexy whispered happily after we had escaped backstage and I grinned.

"Thanks! I really want to see this, so I'll see you after the show!" I whispered back.

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