Chapter 28: Ready, Set, Wait!

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"Ah, I'm so full!" Nathaniel exhaled, laying back on the grass with a satisfied sigh. I giggled and tried to keep from smiling.

"Everyone, please gather around!" Principal Shermansky yelled through the megaphone.

Quickly I re-wrapped the boxes in their cloth and Nathaniel groaned, putting an arm over his eyes. I stood up but he stayed on the ground for a second.

"Nathaniel, they're going to tell us the rules now," I prompted. He moved his arm and looked up at me with a small pout that reminded me of a lost puppy. Then he held out a hand.

"Help me up, partner?"

I stared at his outstretched hand for a second before hesitantly reaching out. Trying not to overanalyze things, I gripped Nathaniel's hand and pulled, guiding him up into a standing position. Unfortunately, I hadn't realized just how close he would come to me when I pulled him up and I immediately moved back a half-step. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked down at me.

"You're pretty strong," he commented with a hint of disbelief.

"Come on then, partner," I said with a shy smile, looking down at my arms with satisfaction.

We walked over to the sea of blue and gray that was crowding around Principal Shermansky.

"Alright! This orienteering race is a race against the clock, but since we have so many teams we are going to split you into five separate groups. Everyone look at your wristbands. The first group will be the purple bands, second is red, third is green, fourth will be blue, and fifth is yellow. Please get into those groups now so we can make sure they're all even."

Chaos immediately ensued as everyone started moving and calling out their colors.

"Looks like yellows are over there, Opal," Nathaniel said, pointing to a small group to the left. We walked over and Nathaniel groaned as Castiel turned and smirked at us.

"So, we're in the same group? Good. You'll get to see me win up close and personal," Castiel said with a wicked grin and I frowned.

"Castiel, I don't care about winning. I just want us all to have fun."

"Perfect! It looks like we're all even. So here is how the race will go. The first leg of the race is to test your map reading skills," Principal Shermansky picked up a stack of maps and gave some to each of the groups. "There's only enough for one per team so no hogging!"

"Here you go, Kate," Lysander handed me a map and I took it with a smile.

"Thanks, Lysander."

"I hope you have fun today," he commented with a ghostly smile and I grinned widely.

"Me too!"

Lysander turned back to Castiel and Nathaniel took the map from me.

"I'll hold onto it, Opal," he offered confidently. I nodded and turned to Principal Shermansky as her megaphone screeched back to life.

"When you make your way to the first checkpoint a teacher will be there and will give you a sticker on your wristband to show that you completed that part of the course, then you will get your instructions for your next challenge. There are three stickers to collect and if you pass the finish line without one you will be disqualified! After the last person comes out we'll determine the top three times and announce our winners! Now I am going to go around and record all of the teams in each group so don't move! Nathaniel, will you please come here?"

I turned to look at Nathaniel and froze when he leaned down to say, "I'll be back," into my ear. I nodded mutely in understanding and he gave me a smile before he made his way up to the Principal. My ear was still tingling as I watched her give him a clipboard and sent him to another group while she walked over to ours.

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