Chapter 12: Welcome Home

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A week later I was bouncing up and down in excitement, scanning the crowds of people for a sign of my Auntie. I was at the airport terminal and they had announced the arrival of Auntie's flight mere moments after I arrived. I glanced at the gate one more time to make sure I got the number right.

Just when I was about to burst from impatience something caught my eye. A lady wearing a large red sun hat with a matching red mini dress, stiletto black heels, and black sunglasses was bobbing up and down through the crowds. I almost started laughing as I watched the other passengers gaze at Auntie, whispering amongst themselves. I wondered if they thought she was someone famous.

Controlling my euphoric giggles, I raised an arm and waved enthusiastically at Auntie. She noticed my waves and energetically waved back, making a beeline for me and almost taking out a large man with her carry-on bag.

Auntie reached me and gathered me into a fierce hug. I gasped at the intensity of it and I felt an urge to rip away, but I squelched the urge and breathed in and out deeply as I hugged her back. Auntie pulled back, taking off her sunglasses and scrutinizing me before pulling me back into another hug.

"Oh, sweetheart, I missed you! That's it. I'm not leaving you again. Ever!" she exclaimed emphatically and I laughed.

"Auntie, you know you'll have to leave again eventually. But I'm really happy to have you home!" I squealed and Auntie grinned widely down at me. She finally let go of me but draped an arm around my shoulders.

"Come on, let's drop off my luggage, and then I'll take you shopping."

"Auntie! You just got off a 15-hour flight! How do you have the energy to go shopping?" I asked incredulously as we made our way to the baggage claim.

Auntie waved a hand dismissively. "I ALWAYS have energy to go shopping! Plus I have three days off so I can catch up on sleep tomorrow."

I laughed. "So you had me take the day off from school so you could take me shopping?"

Auntie gasped and held a hand to her mouth in a dramatic 'aghast' expression.

"Why, whatever are you saying Opal? You are at home with the flu! Your principal wishes you a speedy recovery, by the way," Auntie said with a twinkle in her eyes. I shook my head and couldn't keep myself from ginning. "But first things first, I am starving. What do you feel like eating?"

"I don't care. Whatever you want," I said while grabbing one of Auntie's suitcases and keeping my eyes peeled for the second one.

"In that case, I want Italian. Olive Garden sounds wonderful right now," Auntie said exuberantly, clapping her hands together with finality.

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing once again. I spotted Auntie's other suitcase slowly coming from behind the black curtain and onto the ramp and I managed to snag it without any trouble. Auntie then confidently led the way out of the terminal to the waiting cab.

"Wait, wait, time for a selfie!" Auntie exclaimed before taking her seat in the cab. She slipped her arm around my shoulders and I smiled up at her phone. She showed me the picture and I couldn't help but think I looked like a fangirl getting a picture with a supermodel. She typed in a message on her phone quickly before tucking it back into her purse.

"Did you name our picture?" I asked, curiously.

"No, I sent it to Aaron. I've been sending him updates so that he knows you are doing okay and I figured he would want a picture of you," Auntie said as she climbed into the cab.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach. The memory of his final parting with me and how he has told me he couldn't stand the sight of me replayed in my mind's eyes. I hope Father doesn't get too angry, I thought to myself fretfully.

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