Chapter 18: Chance Encounters

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I blinked my eyes open, my brain still a little foggy from trying to wake up. Slowly I rubbed my eyes, wishing the sun would go back to sleep. Stretching my arms above me, I looked over at the digital clock on my desk where it was displaying in electric blue the numbers 10:15. With a gasp, I sprang from the comfortable hotel bed and grabbed the clock in shock. I looked over at Auntie's bed, which was devoid of my auntie, but some clothes and a large bag with a colorful floral print were laid neatly on it with a sheet of paper on the bag. I walked over to Auntie's bed and picked up the note.

Good morning, Sweetheart! When I woke up you looked so peaceful I couldn't bear to wake you, so I turned off your alarm. I hope you got a good night's sleep. Have fun at the beach! There is money in the inside pocket of your new bag and I expect you to use it all! And the sundress is for you to put over your swimsuit if you decide to go to town after the beach. Have fun. I love you!!!! <3 <3

Smiling, I shook my head. I had wanted to see Auntie off to her meetings, but she had her own plan for me as usual. The sundress she had chosen for me was a halter top with a V-neckline, a wide band around the waist, and a flowy skirt. The fabric was covered in a large rose pattern in several shades of blue and white. Opening the bag I packed a towel, the dress, my new swimsuit, sunblock, and lastly I tucked my cell phone into the pocket with the money. Even with all that there was still plenty of space left.

I took a quick shower and then pulled on some knee-length jean shorts and a pink T-shirt. Just before I left the bathroom I found another note from Auntie instructing me to put sunblock on every two hours and to remember mascara. Rolling my eyes, I put on a little mascara and some lip gloss and, on a whim, I put them into my bag. Making sure I had my keycard tucked in a separate pocket from my cell phone, I left a note for Auntie telling her I'd be home after sunset in case she beat me back. I skipped happily to the elevator and rode it down to the lobby. As I walked up to the desk the concierge smiled at me.

"Hello Miss, where are you off to today?"

"I'm not sure. I need to eat, and then I'm going to go to the beach."

"Well, we do have a restaurant in the hotel that is quite excellent. Although if you are hoping for more of a tourist attraction, Coral Bay is famous for their open market down Albany Street."

"Open market?" I asked curiously. The concierge grinned and handed me a flyer.

"It's sort of like a global farmer's market. You can find cuisines from every part of the globe, little trinkets for sale, and there is an entire section devoted to selling flowers."

"Really? That sounds amazing! I'll have to go check it out. Where is Albany street?"

"There's a map on the back of the flyer. Our hotel is the starting point then just follow the green route and you'll find it in no time," the concierge explained with a smile and I grinned back at him.

"Thank you so much! Where is the restaurant you were telling me about?"

"Just go down the hall to the left. I would recommend the grilled snapper, fresh this morning," the concierge said with a wink.

"That sounds great, thank you!" I said and headed for the restaurant.

I took the concierge's advice and enjoyed my brunch. After I was finished it was almost noon and the restaurant had gotten busy. I left a large tip, knowing that's what Auntie would do, picked up my bag, and headed for the beach with excitement.

As soon as I hit the sand I took off my sandals and walked barefoot, smiling at the soft, warm sand under my feet. I spotted a building where people could get changed and headed over. After finding an empty stall I changed into my new swimsuit. I still felt exposed, but I was slowly getting used to it.

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