Chapter 25: Supermodel for the Day

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I dashed into the student council room, closing the door behind me and breathing a sigh of relief. If I got one more compliment on my new look I was going to explode.

What is wrong with everybody? It's like they've never seen makeup before! I thought to myself with an exhausted sigh.

"Opal, are you okay?"

I looked up at Nathaniel who was sitting at his desk and tried to force a smile while nodding.

"Sure. How can I help you?"

Nathaniel's eyebrows furrowed slightly, "You don't sound so sure. Has someone been bothering you?"

I shook my head quickly with a rueful chuckle. "People just keep saying how good I look. I thought Rosalya was going to hyperventilate, it was kind of embarrassing," I mumbled and Nathaniel chuckled.

"Well, it was quite a shock since we're all so used to your normal look. Not that your normal look is bad or anything! It's just less... sparkly. Not that sparkly is bad! I mean, uh.... here, could you help me go through these?" Nathaniel asked quickly, raising a stack of papers for me to see. I walked over, flipping a chair around so I could sit across from Nathaniel.

"These are all of the permission forms that have been turned in for Friday's orienteering race. We need to sort them into teams, write them down on the spreadsheet, and put them in this file folder."

I nodded and took half of the pile from Nathaniel. I was sad to see that the pile was pretty small, but I reminded myself it was only Wednesday. Nathaniel and I went through the pile quickly, marking down all of the teams. So far we had thirteen teams signed up.

"Do you know what we're supposed to wear?" I asked.

"The school has a tracksuit that they issue for gym class. Most students buy them at the beginning of the year, but you didn't take a gym class did you?" Nathaniel asked while looking up at me. I shook my head and he stood up.

"Come with me, I'll find one you can borrow."

I walked with Nathaniel over to the secretary's office. Nathaniel explained what he wanted and the secretary immediately pointed to a door off to the side, giving Nathaniel a big smile. He thanked the secretary and motioned for me to follow him. We walked into the room which was stuffed full of boxes.

"Let's see here. You'll probably be a small... maybe a medium since you're tall for a girl." Nathaniel muttered, rummaging through some boxes. He finally pulled out a light blue and gray jacket, holding it up to my body. He nodded and handed it to me, then continued rummaging until he found some matching sweatpants.

"Do you think these will be long enough?"

I took them and held them up to me, nodding at the length. "Yah, I think they'll be perfect. Thank you, Nathaniel."

He smiled at me and closed the boxes he had opened.

"You can just put them back after the orienteering race. Make sure you wear good tennis shoes, we'll be on our feet all day, partner," Nathaniel said with a little wink. I grinned at him, folding the clothes in my arms.

"Will do, partner. I'm super excited! Do you think we'll see any squirrels?" Nathaniel chuckled as he lead me out of the little room.

"Squirrels? We probably will see at least one."

I smiled happily. I can't wait! I thought with excitement. The bell rang and I frowned slightly; hoping that I wouldn't get many comments about my makeup.

"Do you want to walk with me to AP Bio?" Nathaniel asked.

I looked up at him in surprise and smiled, quickly nodding. We went to our lockers conversing about the things we might see during the race before entering AP Bio side by side.

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