Chapter 26: Gathering Information

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"I'm going to be late tonight, sweetheart," Auntie said the next morning as we were leaving the apartment.

"That's fine, Auntie. When you get home we can go and buy the rest of the stuff we need to make the bentos."

"You are going to find out Nathaniel's tastes today, right?"

"Yes, I promise I will ask today," I assured her.

I had completely forgotten yesterday with Alexy's stylist transformation and everyone going on and on about it, but today I only had a little bit of mascara on and was wearing dark capris and a purple T-shirt with my hair braided. I felt more like my normal self and I made a mental note to go to the greenhouse after school. I wasn't sure if I was technically even in the gardening club anymore, but I missed working with the flowers.

"Okay, I love you. Have a good day, Opal," Auntie said, pulling me into a quick hug and then heading towards the subway station.

I waved after her calling, "I love you too!"

She turned and waved at me with a smile. I adjusted my backpack and headed for school. At the corner of Cherry Street, I stopped and looked down the street for any signs of Alexy or Armin. A minute passed and just when I was about to leave without them, I caught sight of a bright blue head bursting out of the fourth house down the road. Alexy turned back to the house, placing his hands on his hips in a picture of impatience. Soon Armin slumped out of the door to follow him. I waved my hand at them and Alexy returned my wave, grabbing Armin and dragging him to meet me.

"Morning, Opal!" Alexy called cheerfully.

"Good morning. How are you guys doing?" I asked, looking at Armin as well.

"I would be better if Amrin would actually wake up when I tell him to," Alexy grumbled with an irritated look. Armin shrugged and started walking towards the high school.

"Stop complaining and come on. The sun's too bright."

Alexy and I quickly caught up to Armin, matching his pace easily.

"So, Opal, you're back to the regular you?" Alexy asked and I grinned.

"There's no way I'm going to spend that much time just to get ready in the morning every day," I said and Alexy sighed.

"I don't understand why, but let me know if you ever need to get done up again."

"I will. Are either of you going to the orienteering race tomorrow?"

Alexy immediately scoffed and Armin shuddered.

"No way, I'd rather spend the day at school than get muddy boots and leaves in my hair," Alexy said and I laughed.

"But think of all the cool things you could see!" I suggested excitedly.

"Oh yah, like maybe a couple hundred trees, a couple thousand leaves, some grass. Exciting stuff!" Alexy quipped sarcastically and I laughed again.

"Well, it's your loss." I shrugged and Alexy lifted an eyebrow at me.

"You are seriously excited to run through a dirty forest?"

"Yes. Yes, I am," I answered emphatically. Both Armin and Alexy shook their heads at me in unison and I giggled.

When we got to the high school I told the two that I'd see them in the classroom and walked swiftly to the student council room. I only had a couple of minutes before the bell would ring and I wanted to ask Nathaniel about his food preferences, but I also wanted the bento to be a surprise. I stood outside the door, wondering how I should go about this. Reaching out I knocked on the door but there was no reply. Frowning, I opened the door and was disappointed to see that Nathaniel wasn't there.

I Don't Deserve Love: Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now