Chapter 46: Haunted Rehearsal's

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Warning: I do not own Payphone by Maroon 5 or the lyrics or anything like that

I'm at a payphone trying to call home.

All of my change I spent on you

Where have the times gone? Baby, it's all wrong

Where are the plans we made for two?

Groggily I raised my head off of my pillow and looked around. Why is Adam Levine in my room? I wondered absently. The wonderful falsetto voice faded away and I plopped back onto my pillow. I had just drifted back to sleep when Adam's voice rang out again. I groaned, realizing that the lead singer of Maroon 5 wasn't in my room, but instead was the ringtone emanating from my phone.

Sleepily, I pushed myself forward and reached blindly for my phone that I had left on the dresser near the foot of my bed. By the time I finally found it the song had ended and I flopped back onto my pillow with a sigh. Seconds later the melody started again and I pushed a button and brought it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I croaked and I heard a loud gasp.

"Did you JUST wake up?" A male voice asked with astonishment and I looked at my alarm clock which read 4:28 am.

"Who is this?" I asked, a little more than slightly perturbed.

"Oh, come on, Opal, you only have an hour and a half to get ready! I thought you would have been awake thirty minutes ago!"

Finally recognizing Alexy's voice I let out a long, controlled breath.

"Alexy, dear. Why are you awake at 4:30 in the morning?" I asked, trying my utmost to be patient.

"I'm writing an English essay. Why aren't you awake yet?" he shot back and I closed my eyes and covered them with my free arm.

"It only takes me half an hour to get ready; forty-five minutes tops if I take a shower."


I jerked the phone away from my ear and waited until I could no longer understand his ranting before bringing it back.

"I prefer to sleep," I replied, still a little groggily and I heard Alexy huff in frustration.

"What about your hair?"

"It only takes me five minutes, ten if I decide to do something other than leaving it down."

"And your makeup?"

"Mascara and sometimes lip gloss. Now that you know my morning schedule, can I please go back to sleep?"

"I actually had a question for you."

Sighing heavily I shifted onto my side, trapping my phone between my cheek and the pillow.

"What is it, Alexy?"

"Have you ever read The Great Gatsby?"

I blinked in the darkness and nodded before remembering he couldn't see me.

"Yah, I read it a couple of years ago. Why?"

"Who do you think was the most influential character?" he asked.

I furrowed my brow, trying to make my brain function. Since I moved into Auntie's apartment I had come to treasure sleep and being woken up by something that wasn't my alarm clock wasn't working so well for me.

"Umm... I can't remember her name, but I personally think the rich lady that Gatsby was in love with was the most influential."

"And why is that?" he asked.

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