Chapter 36: Taking Care of Friends

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"Good morning, Iris!" I greeted brightly as I walked up to my locker Friday morning. Iris spun to face me with huge eyes.

"Opal? You're not angry with me anymore?" she asked and I stared at her in shock.

"Angry with you? Why on earth would I be angry with you?"

"Well, you haven't spoken a word to me since the Orienteering race; I thought you were offended that your ankle made me queasy," Iris muttered and I winced, feeling guilt wash over me.

"That's not why, Iris. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you. Really. I just... was having trouble the last few weeks. You're always so cheerful, I was afraid that I would make you sad if I was around you too much. I'm really, really sorry, Iris," I explained and she grinned broadly at me.

"Oh, thank goodness! But you're better now, right?"

"Completely," I assured her happily and she grinned before turning back to her locker.

"That's a relief. So, did you have the new student in any of your classes?"

"New student?" I asked, collecting the books for my morning classes in my arms.

"Yah, he's super cute! I think his name was Keith, or Clark," Iris said distractedly and I looked over at her with surprise.

"I thought you liked Brandon."

"Well, I do. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that," Iris said, meeting my gaze. "What do you think of Brandon?"

"He..." I searched my mind, trying to find a good way to describe him. "He is a very passionate person who has absolutely no aptitude for biology." Iris giggled at my choice of descriptive words.

"True. Do you like him?"

The memory of his explosive anger popped into my mind and I bit my lip. "I suppose..." I muttered hesitantly.

He is a good guy after all, as long as he isn't angry, I thought with an inward shudder. When I looked at Iris though, I was surprised by the intensity behind her gaze.

"But do you like like him?"

I furrowed my brow, not understanding at first, but then the meaning of her question clicked and I gasped.

"Oh! No, of course not!" I exclaimed and a look of absolute relief washed over Iris's face.

"Thank goodness! I thought that you two might like each other and I didn't want to get in the middle of that. But now that I know he's not your type, I think I might tell him how I feel." Iris closed her locker and smiled up at me. "Thanks, Opal."

I smiled uneasily as I closed my own locker. We walked upstairs together and as I listened to her excited plans I did my best to encourage her. I really did think Brandon was a good guy inside and I was pretty sure Iris could handle his temper. I waved to her as she left for her calculus class and I walked into Government. Nathaniel and Lysander were already in their seats and I walked over happily.

"Good morning, Nathaniel and Lysander," I greeted while taking a seat.

They both looked up and gave me their versions of a smile. Nathaniel's was bright and happy while Lysander's was calm and sincere.

"I'm glad you are smiling today, Kate," Lysander commented and I blushed.

"Me too!" Nathaniel chimed in.

The bell rang and Alexy and Armin screeched into the room, breathing hard. Armin looked disheveled and Alexy looked annoyed as they walked towards their seats.

Alexy met my eyes and I mouthed, "Did he sleep in?"

He nodded and mouthed back, "Sorry."

I shook my head, knowing he was referring to not meeting me to walk to school in the morning. He walked past me and I cocked an eyebrow at Armin, who shrugged but I could see a twinkle in his eye. Whatever game he had stayed up to play had obviously gone well.

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