Chapter 43: NOT a Date!

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We continued walking in silence as I held Demon's leash loosely in my left hand while keeping my right hand resting on the big dog's head. A girl who looked a couple of years older than me was jogging down the sidewalk with her own dog, which was a cute white cocker spaniel with floppy brown ears. Demon's ears twitched forward as he watched the other dog approaching and I stroked his neck firmly. To my surprise, Demon didn't make a move to investigate the other dog as it passed by and I smiled, scratching him under the chin as a reward which caused him to begin panting.

"We can cut across the parking lot here," Castiel said, pulling my attention away from Demon.

I followed Castiel towards what looked like the drive-through window but Castiel walked past it and around the back of the building. Blinking in surprise I followed him but smiled in understanding as I saw a large sign listing all of the menu items for people in their cars to use. I inspected the large sign and my smile widened as I saw all of the different options.

"What are you going to get?" I asked in interest, looking at the options that ranged from milkshakes to Brownies a' la Mode.

"I'm getting a Concrete. You should get one too," Castiel suggested with a smirk, pointing to the bottom corner of the sign that listed a Build-Your-Own Concrete.

"What's a Concrete?" I asked, looking at all of the flavors and add-ins that were listed.

"It's basically a super thick milkshake but it has frozen custard as the base instead of normal ice cream. It's way better, and you can choose whatever weird flavor combinations you want. It's my treat," Castiel explained with a mocking grin.

I couldn't help but chuckle, remembering back to our trip through the food market on Albany street. Castiel hadn't seemed too excited to try all of the new things I saw, but he had been a good sport and ate everything I gave him anyways. I took another minute to look at the flavors when my phone began vibrating in my pocket again. Hoping that it wasn't anything embarrassing I pulled it out to see another text from Auntie.

Are you at the ice cream place yet? I want to see what you get! Make sure Castiel is in the shot too!!!

"Is that your aunt again?" Castiel asked and I nodded up at him.

"She's just reminding me that you have to be in the picture," I said with a sigh. Castiel chuckled with what seemed to be some kind of a sparkle in his steel grey eyes.

"Well, are you ready to order then? We can take a picture after we have our concretes."

With my decision made, Castiel led me over to the window on the side of the building and he knocked a few times to get an employee's attention. A short boy with a shock of freckles across his nose sporting a black T-Shirt with the restaurant's name plastered to the front opened the window and flashed us a friendly smile.

"Afternoon, you two. What can I get for you?"

"I'll have a chocolate concrete with oreo bits and a plain waffle cone on the side. What do you want, Opal?" Castiel asked, looking down at me with a teasing grin. 

I felt one corner of my mouth tilt up in amusement, not sure why he found my taste in food so strange.

"I'll have a lemon concrete with brownie and cheesecake chunks, please," I told the boy at the window and he quickly punched in our order.

Castiel pulled his wallet from his jeans pocket and handed a card over to the boy to swipe through his machine. After a second the boy returned the card to Castiel while letting us know it would only take a few minutes for our concretes to be mixed. He then shut the window and walked back into the restaurant.

I Don't Deserve Love: Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now