Chapter 44: Funny Enough?

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"Auntie, I'm..."

"Finally!" Auntie pounced, swooping me into a big hug, and then spun me around. "Did you take lots of pictures?"

"Well..." I pulled my phone out and Auntie snatched it away from me before I could finish my sentence.

"Let's see the pictures then!" she said and I tried to grab the phone back from her,

"Wait, I wanted to explain..." I started to say but she was already flipping through them, her grin growing wider and wider until I thought it would split her cheeks.

"Now what do we have here?" she asked, holding up one of the photos of Castiel and I sitting next to each other on the ground holding up our concretes with Demon laying his head on my lap. I hadn't realized how coupley we looked and I felt heat once again rush into my cheeks.

"The lady that Castiel asked to take our picture was very enthusiastic. She had us do a bunch of different positions, I like the other ones a lot better. She said if we were ever looking for a photographer to call her," I said while pulling the little business card she had given me from my pocket and showing it to Auntie. She laughed and took the card, scanning it with interest for a moment before going back to my phone.

"Whoever she is she is pretty talented. She took some great shots with a cellphone camera to boot. I'm sending a few of these to my phone," she announced.

I groaned but didn't bother trying to take it from her. Auntie always got her way in the end. A couple of minutes later she tossed my phone back to me and I caught it easily.

"Now!" Auntie whisked me onto the couch and sat down, propped her elbows on her knees, placed her chin in her hands, and leaned towards me. "Tell me exactly what happened at your audition!"

Letting out a chuckle at how quickly Auntie moved between topics, I told her about my nervousness during the day. She laughed when I told her about how Mr. Tremont had scared me by coming up behind me and she clapped happily as I explained that thinking about her had helped me get past my nervousness. Once I described in detail Mr. Tremont's plan Auntie jumped up and spun around in excitement.

"Lady Mysteria! Oh, I love it! Mr. Tremont is a genius! Do you know how dramatic this is going to make your act? No one will ever be able to forget it!"

"I don't really get it. None of the parents will know who I am so it doesn't really matter if they know my name or not," I remarked with a shrug. Auntie made a 'tsk tsk' sound and waved her finger at me.

"If Mr. Tremont is as focused on drama as he seems to be you can bet that's not the only thing he's going to do. He's probably going to turn it into a little skit for the Emcees to build suspense and tension. Trust me; this is going to be epic!"

Smiling uneasily I once again wondered why this was happening to me. I hadn't even been convinced that I wanted to be in the show; I didn't need any big fuss done over me.

"We need to tell Shin Woo! He'll be dying to know how you did. When is the show?"

"I'm not sure. The auditions will last anywhere from one to two weeks, depending on how many people audition."

Auntie nodded as she picked up her own phone from the counter. I chewed my lip nervously, wondering if I had the right to ask, but finally blurted out, "Hey, Auntie?"


"Shin Woo mentioned that you have rejected him before. Is that true?" I asked. Auntie blinked and looked down at me.

"Rejected? You mean, refused to go on a date?" I nodded and she smiled. "Yes, I suppose that's true."

"What? Why?" I asked and Auntie laughed, patting my head.

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