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Five Years Later

"Thank you for the lesson, Nee-chan!"

Even though I was in class I couldn't help but squeal at how cute little Kaito was as he bowed politely to me. Not being able to resist, I rushed over and scooped him into my arms, surprising a giggle out of him as he wrapped his arms and legs around me in a whole-body hug. All of the other small children in my dance class rushed forward and began hugging my legs as well and I couldn't help but laugh with delight at them. 

I bent down and gave each of the little cuties a swift kiss before putting Kaito down and telling him I would see him later. He waved after me, his brown eyes exactly like Auntie's shining back at me with excitement as I left my class in the capable hands of my co-teacher until their parents came to pick them up. Normally I would stay until they had all gotten back home, but today I had something important to do.

As I caught the bus that would take me to my home I reflected on how I had come to be here, driving away from Feel da Beat as one of its official dance instructors.

Auntie and Shin Woo got married less than a month after Castiel and I graduated from Sweet Amoris High. It was a beautiful ceremony and Castiel and I had stood proudly in the wedding party with them. Even more memorable for me though, was that after their honeymoon they officially adopted me as their daughter.

Father went through the federal court system and was found guilty of child abuse and attempted filicide, which earned him a sentence of 20 years in jail. The news had been devastating to me, since all I had wanted was for him to go back to his karate school to try and forget I even existed. Auntie and Castiel helped me through my guilt though and helped me understand that his punishment was what he deserved, even if it tore me apart.

Not long after Auntie (it had been too hard to change to calling her "Mom" so I stuck with calling her Auntie even after the adoption was finalized) and Shin Woo had gotten married she announced that she was pregnant. I fell in love with little Kaito the moment I held him in my arms and it had been torture to spend all day at college and miss out on his first laugh and first steps.

Shin Woo had convinced Castiel and I during our first year at Anteros Academy, the local university in Sweet Amoris, to create a music video and put it on several social media websites. The song Castiel chose was a love song he had written for me that I created a dance to. It had been an absolutely thrilling experience to make a music video with him. Little did we know, though, how much that video would change our lives.

To our shock, the video went viral and we were contacted by several talent agencies, both local and national. After talking things over with Shin Woo and Auntie we decided to sign a one year contract and start a band. To my embarrassment, I was the lead singer with Castiel as the lead guitarist and the agency matched us up with a drummer and a base player who became our good friends.

The band did really well for a startup and we were scheduled for several tours throughout the year. The life of a musician was exciting, but as we were on tours I would find myself constantly searching for privacy, which never seemed available. Everyone knew that Castiel and I were a couple, but that didn't stop crazy fans from throwing themselves at him and me. By the end of the year I was sick of it. I quietly quit the band when my contract was up.

When I told Castiel that I was quitting and going back to being a full-time student, he immediately said he would quit as well. I knew that being in a band had been his dream though, so I convinced him to stay and renew his contract for another year. At first the press had a field day, printing lies that Castiel and I broke up and that was why I left the band. We both vehemently denied the stories though and when the press saw that I was just going about my day as a normal college student and Castiel didn't look at anyone else besides me the rumors died down and they eventually started leaving me alone.

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