Chapter 68: How to be a Girlfriend

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Auntie took me home the next day but told me in no uncertain terms that I was not to leave the apartment for anything but my physical therapy sessions for the next week. Castiel tried to stay with me during the day but I convinced him that I needed him to collect my homework for me so I wouldn't get behind in my classes. He reluctantly agreed and he and Alexy showed up at my doorstep after school to keep me company. When they got there Auntie excused herself to go to her work. Her boss had reluctantly agreed that Auntie would be allowed to work from home until I got better as long as she came in to help with the project for a few hours every day. I felt bad that she was fussing over me so much, but I had to admit that it felt kind of nice to spend all day with Auntie.

The second day I was home from the hospital my phone rang around noon. Glancing at the caller ID, I was surprised to see that it was Dajan. Auntie was making lunch so I answered the phone with a small smile.

"Hey, Dajan," I greeted him through the phone.

"Hey, Sato. I didn't wake you up from a nap or anything, did I?" Dajan's deep voice asked over the speaker. 

I chuckled quietly and then winced as my rib sent a spasm of pain through my chest.

"No, if I nap too much during the day I don't sleep at night," I said, leaning back into a more comfortable position against the pillows propped up against the headboard of my bed.

"I gotcha..." A small, awkward silence stretched as Dajan's voice trailed off. 

It had sounded like he wasn't finished speaking but as the silence continued, I wondered if he was waiting for me to speak. I was about to ask how his day was going when he cleared his throat.

"So... Alexy told me that you and Castiel got in a car accident," Dajan said, worry and another emotion I couldn't quite name making his voice sound tighter than normal. 

I blinked in surprise and then remembered that this was the story that Auntie and Principal Shermansky had decided on. Since the real reason for Castiel's and my injuries was sensitive information they had chosen to spread the lie that we had gotten in a car accident. I felt bad lying to Dajan about it though.

"Umm," I stalled, wondering if this conversation was really appropriate for a phone call during lunch hour. Dajan sighed and I frowned.

"I thought that wasn't the full story. Alexy wouldn't give me any details about the crash and I couldn't find any reports about it in the news." His voice sounded tired. I sighed lightly, rubbing my neck which was finally starting to clear of the bruises my father had left me.

"The truth is a little more in-depth, Dajan. I... it's..." I struggled to try and explain myself and I heard Dajan expel a quiet breath.

"Is it true that you and Castiel are dating now?" he asked quietly. 

I blinked, surprised that he had changed the subject. Heat crept into my cheeks as I looked over at the sun fairy statue I had dusted lovingly this morning.

"Yes, we are," I responded simply.

"And... you're happy?" he asked, his voice once again quieter than normal. I blinked slowly and was surprised when my lips curved upwards without thought.

"Yah. I... know you aren't a fan of Castiel, Dajan," I commented hesitantly, my smile turning down into a worried frown. "But he's been there for me in every way and I feel safe when I'm with him." 

I heard a heavy sigh through the speakers and then a small chuckle.

"Well, as long as you are happy that's all that matters, Sato," he said in a determined voice, but it also sounded like he was a little sad. Before I could ask him about it though he already moved on. "So he knows the whole story?" Dajan asked. 

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