chapter two

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college? no big deal.

i've done this for a year already, so my sophomore year is going to be filled with girls, partying, and having actual fun.

"bro this room is sick. i like the view." wyatt points out the window.

wyatt and i have never been close, but we've been friends since junior year of high school.

"i know," i agree, "too bad grayson is off at some stupid private school."

"aw do you miss him?" wyatt mocks.

"honestly bro," i scratch the back of my neck, "yes."

"you'll see him in a few weeks," he waves his hand and shoots a mini basketball at my laundry hamper.

"your mom here?" i ask

"she's helping my little sister move in." he looks over at me and his expression gets serious, "bro, i kinda have a favor to ask."


"since your room is like, right next to her, can you maybe just be friendly? make her feel welcome? i'm not asking you to be best friends with her or anything, just maybe say hi whenever you see her around."

"do i know her?"

"probably not, but act like you remember her."

"will do man," i hold out my fist and he taps it with his.

we sit in some rare silence and look around the room for a few seconds.

then my stomach declares world war II and begins to grumble.

"we should get food," wyatt offers

"sure. this new place across the street opened up in july so we should check it out."

we grab our separate room keys and say goodbye to my roommate who's been playing video games since i got there. he didn't even hear us probably.

wyatt opens the door and immediately i get smacked into his back.

he starts talking to someone, but i can't see who it is because 1.) my eye hurts, and 2.) he's standing straight in front of me.

"this is my friend ethans dorm," wyatt says and moves so i can get a full glimpse of who he's taking

she looks a lot like him, so i'm guessing his sister.

"sup," i say

she looks away from me and back at wyatt.


"this is my little sister riley." wyatt says and kind of kicks me.

"i thought i recognized you." i lie

she looks startled by that.

"yeah," she says awkwardly and i try not to laugh.

wyatt talks to his family a bit more and then we're finally free to eat. 

"so?" wyatt asks as we step off the elevator.

"she seems nice." i shrug.

"she is. very smart too. she's studying to be a lawyer."

"yikes," i cringe, "like, 60% of law majors drop out."

"no her," wyatt shakes his head, "too damn stubborn."

i laugh at that.


after we finish eating, wyatt heads back to his dorm.

i fumble around in my pocket for my room key and am unsuccessful.

"shit," i mutter and pat my back pockets as well.

"here," a small voice says, "they fell."

i turn to see- riley? i think- holding out my keys.

"thanks," i say and take them from her hand.

her eyes are very doe like. big and curious.

they're such a deep brown that they're almost black.

"no problem," she mumbles quietly and quickly escapes into her own room.


i bet she's one of those antisocial chicks.

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