chapter fifty-four

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december 14th, 2019

"i'm glad we waited until you two came home to put up the tree," my mom says, smiling in admiration at the tall evergreen in our living room.

wyatt chugs his eggnog and i giggle quietly.

i saw him spike it with fireball when my parents weren't looking.

"has ethan said anything about coming for lunch?" dad asks

"yeah," i lie, "he's going to spend time with his sister while she's home. sorry."

being honest, i didn't even ask him.

now that his emotions are spiraling in and out of randomness, i don't want him to be in a crappy mood around my parents.

that's a hard no from me.

"bummer," dad frowns slightly.


my mom furrows her brows and tries to study me. i look away, fearing she might see it in my eyes.

seeing that my relationship is going down hill.


it's just a phase, i tell myself

like that once time i would only say "swag" when people asked me a question.

i shudder, remembering the dark days, and turn my attention to the tree.

it's pretty.

every year, my mom chooses a theme. this year it's silver and light baby blues. the fractions of light bounce off one another, creating a halo effect around it. dainty garland is wrapped on the insides, making it appear fuller.

it shines bright.

"will he come for dinner then?" dad asks, eyes hopeful.

"god, dad." i roll my eyes, "i'll ask."

"watch the attitude," mom says, side eyeing me.

"well it's hard when your dad wants to see your own boyfriend more than you do." i blurt.

i cover my mouth immediately and glance around.

wyatt looks confused, and my dad is surprised. i can't read my mom's emotions at the moment.

"what?" he asks

"he's just been... weird," i fidget, balancing my weight on either foot.

"weird how?"

"i don't know," i say, getting annoyed at all the questions, "he's just been in a funk, okay?"

"okay. jeez. just wondering."

i sulk my way downstairs to my room and slump on my bed. i pull out my phone and type rapidly.

me: hey

ethan: hi baby

i smile, glad he's in a good mood.

me: down for dinner tonight? my dad misses you

ethan: ofc. i'd never pass an opportunity to hang out with a legend.

me: come at 6:30 sharp. i love you.

ethan: i love you more. i might facetime you later today? pretty boring at home. cameron has been sleeping the whole time.

me: i'll be waiting


i felt good during dinner, making jokes and adding to the conversation.

we're in riley's kitchen, washing dishes from dinner.

"hand me the soap," i say and put my hand out.

she hums, not hearing me.

rolling my eyes, i repeat, "soap, please?"

"what?" her head snaps up

"oh my god,"

"ethan," she says in a low, soft voice, "chill out. it's okay. what did you want?"

i take a deep breath, not wanting to allow myself to make her sad from me getting frustrated.

"the soap." i say evenly and quietly.

she hands me the bottle and i nod, closing my eyes.

i'm starting to wonder if i have a problem?

i need to shake the funk.

as if she reads my mind, she whispers; "maybe you should talk to my dad. he took an ap human behavior class."

i don't say anything, fearing it'll be the wrong thing.


"that would be kind of awkward." i admit

"maybe," she shrugs, "what if i get advice for you? like, tell him how you've been feeling and see what he says. i'll be the messenger," she giggles.

i crack a small smile at her enthusiasm for the smallest things, and nod.

"yeah, okay."

hi so would you like me to finish this book all in one book, or make a second one? if i finished it on this one, it would be a lot more chapters, but i have no clue what i would title the second one. pleaseeee let me know. sequel, or finish all in one?

i love you! keep commenting it makes me happy :)

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