chapter thirty

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"are you okay?" i laugh at riley

"i'm fine." she says with a strained voice.

"you're walking... sideways? like a chicken."

"stop," she rolls her eyes


she looks at me with her eyebrows raised, eyes daring.

"ohhh," i finally catch on, "forgot."

"you know he's a fudge boy when he forgets taking someone's virginity," she laughs and i feel kind of bad.

"no way in hell were you a virgin. i refuse to believe it." i shake my head


"because like... you were in charge. i've never let a girl do that."

"i don't know what came over me," riley shrugs.

me, i want to joke, but it sounds too douchebag-y.

we're about to walk into our 9 am when the sound of slapping footsteps behind us makes us turn.

"woah!" riley exclaims and falls backwards, along with another guy.

"i'm so sorry!" the guy squeaks out, scrambling off the ground.

"just watch where you're going, man." i say and extend my hand to riley. she takes it and i prop her back up.

"i know i'm just in a rush. it's my first day. i'm a transfer."

"what's your name?" riley asks

of course she's still sweet to the guy that almost knocked her down a flight of stone steps.

"quinn." he nods his head

quinn is about 5'10" on a good day, has beady rat eyes, and his hair is the color of sahara desert sand, but i guess that's "my opinion".

"welcome quinn," riley smiles and motions around, "i'm riley and this is ethan."

"hey." i nod my head, but nothing more.

something is off about him and i can't figure it out.

"s'cuse me," david says, popping his head out of the door, "this thing closes in a minute and i really don't n to have to lock you guys out. get in."

we all file into the building and take the last seats available. front row. ew.

riley doesn't seem to mind and plops her stuff down with a smile.

my face is stone-set this morning.

there's a seat next to me, but quinn goes out of his way to sit next to riley.

i know she doesn't care, but what about me?

i really don't want to be those types of boyfriends who doesn't let their girlfriends hang out with guys, but something is wrong with this kid and i can't figure out what.

david starts with the class and i catch quinn looking at riley for long periods of time.

she's in her own bubble, taking notes and listening, so she doesn't notice.

after 45 minutes, it just gets annoying.

"riley," i whisper, nudging her with my arm.

"shh, we have a test this week," she mumbles, still taking notes.

i don't talk again because i know how much school means to riley.

but maybe i can get quinn's attention.

he's staring at her again and his pencil never leaves his paper.

he catches me noticing him and i try to give him a warning look, seeing if he would stop.

he either doesn't notice or doesn't care.

his attention turns back to his paper and he smiles at it softly.

gag me with a spoon.


ethan and i pack up our stuff after david dismisses us and start to head out the doors.

quinn scrambles after us.

don't get me wrong, he's nice, but he's kind of weird.

"riley!" he calls and i turn around


"i have a thing for drawing, and i couldn't help but notice your natural beauty, so i drew you." he says, handing me a piece of paper.

ethan stiffens beside me, which honestly i would too.

"thanks..." i say, glancing down at the paper.

it's a good sketch. it really is.
in it i'm smiling softly while taking notes. was he looking at me that long?

"yes," ethan says, slinging his arm around me protectively, "isn't my girlfriend beautiful?"

"girlfriend?" quinn asks, looking between the both of us.

"yeah," i smile, "i thought that was obvious?"

"if i were him," quinn says, backing away, "i'd make it more obvious than it was."

we watch him jog away and i stand there, confused.

"what does that even mean?" i mumble

"it means he's a weirdo who has a thing for you after knowing you for an hour and a half." ethan rolls his eyes

"isn't that what happened with you?" i tease

"actually, it was 2 days. try again." he jokes

"i hope he doesn't try to sit with us again," i cringe, feeling bad.

"i tried to tell you he was staring at you." ethan shrugs and starts walking, pulling me along.

"why didn't you do anything?" i ask

"i don't like being that guy that doesn't let his girlfriend hang out with guy friends."

"trust me," i laugh, "if i ever hang out with him again it'll be because i'm held hostage."

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