chapter forty-seven

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before i get started with the book, i want to thank you all for reading and enjoying it 🥺 i see your comments and they always make my day. this is my fifth try at writing a good book, and i think it's going well. enjoy!


i'm doing good.

the only times when i really have problems is when i'm alone in my dorm at night.

whether elanor is at her boyfriend's, ethan is sleeping, or it's 3 am, i can never really sleep.

i end up watching hours of youtube and being a zombie for my early morning classes, basically army crawling to the doors.

that was a little dramatic. i don't army crawl, but my feet drag on the ground.

i went to my second therapy session over the weekend, and the topic revolved around what i want to do when i'm out of college, and how i've been doing the past week.

paige recommended me a bullet journal, so i went out to target yesterday and bought one. i've been filling up the pages with pretty writing and lists for two days now.

i smile slightly, my hand forming they word "goals" on my new page. a sudden noise from the seat beside me makes me jump.

i'm in a fairly popular class, so all the seats end up being filled, so sitting by people isn't anything new.

i glance up at the mysterious shadow and see a girl.

she's on the taller side, black hair falling straight down her back, and olive skin bringing out her dark, round eyes. she's dressed from head to toe in black trendy clothing and has a pair of dr. martens. she reminds me of a goth art student.

"hey," she says dryly, popping her gum.

i move my stuff to the side a bit, not wanting to intrude in her room.


the professor comes in before i have a chance to indulge in conversation, which makes me frown. she seems interesting.

"so what's your name?" i whisper to her as the lecture starts.

she gives me a side eye look and after a few moments, answers, "does it matter?"

"sorry," i apologize, "i'm riley."

"ha," she laughs, but in a mean way, "a sissy name for a sissy girl."

"excuse me?"

"you look very... untouchable."

if she only knew.

"what's that mean?" i whisper and laugh nervously

"you're wearing air force 1s," she counts on her fingers and glance at my shoes, "you have a barrette in your hair, and big and comfy sweatshirt. turn around." i turn so she can see my back, and she lets out a small sigh.

"knew it."


"who's dolan?" she smirks

i'm wearing ethan's highschool lacrosse sweatshirt, and it has his name on the back.

"um, my boyfriend? what does this have to do with your name?"

"i'm just saying i can already tell we're very different, so why try to keep the conversation going?" she asks and turns her attention to the board, biting the end of her pen.

"that was rude." i say honestly

"thank you," she smiles a devil's grin

i scoff and go back to my bullet journal, not even bothering to take notes this class. 

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