chapter fifty-two

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riley didn't call me for the rest of the night.
or at all the next day.

i saw on her snap maps that she was with that sloane girl.

i can't help but envy sloane.

i used to be the one she went to when she was sad, but now it's because of me.

i sit blankly in my 9 am, hoping she'd walk through the door and come sit by me. i know realistically that's not going to happen.

about halfway through the lecture, the big metal doors open and i quickly turn my head to them.

it's her.

she's holding her head down, but i could pick her out of a crowd of 10 million. she rushes up to david, our professor, and whispers something. he nods quickly and she makes her way to the nearest front row seat.

i can't help but stare at every move she makes, praying she'll look back at me.

she never does.

after the class, i hurry out the doors and to the library across the street. i spot her having the same idea as me, because she's a few yards ahead.

i try to stay low, but i can't help but follow her to the very back corner, right by the cafe.

she sets her stuff down at a table and gets out her headphones.

getting an idea, i get in line to order at the cafe.

the barista hands me a large iced latte and two cake pops.

taking a deep breath, i head for her table.

she doesn't notice me as i approach. she's too focused on her computer. her eyes move back and forth as she bites on the end of her pen.

i silently close the lid of her computer and slide the latte in front of her and hold out the cake pop.

she takes a deep breath before she looks up.

i must look so pathetic to her.

please, i mouth with soft eyes.

riley takes out her earbuds and looks at me expectantly.

"can i sit?"

"it's a free country," she says lazily

i take a seat opposite from her and bite my bottom lip, choosing my words carefully.

"i'm sorry." is what i decide on.

she rolls her eyes, and i take it as a bad sign.

"why are you here? what are you even doing?" she asks, motioning to the cake pops and coffee.

"i came here to see you,"

"so you followed me?"

"riley," i sigh, "please, i know i messed up. no and, ifs or buts. i'm sorry."

she bites her bottom lip, thinking.


"okay?" i repeat

"okay. i forgive you."

"really?" my mouth turns up into a tiny smile

"sure," she shrugs, "but only if you give me the cake pop." she holds out her hand and i laugh, handing her the stick.

i watch her eat happily and silently, my heart suddenly feeling not as heavy and cold.

"but if you ever," she says in between bites, "do that to me again, there's going to have to be a better apology than cake pops."

"count on it."

hey! it's me lol. do you guys prefer longer or shorter chapters? i've been doing them shorter recently to even out the longer ones. lmk!


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