chapter thirty-four

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"it's going to be fine." riley says in a soothing voice.

"we're here!" my mom announces and pulls into the doctors office parking lot.

"thank you for being the designated driver," ethan says to my mom.

"of course!"

"mom you could probably pick us up in... 2 hours?" i look at ethan for confirmation

"probably sooner." he shrugs

ethan, wyatt, and i begin to walk up the stone steps to the building and through the lobby, and up the elevator.

we are met with a man named dr. willis and ethan talks with him for a little bit.

"and who are you guys?" he smiles, flicking his eyes to wyatt and i, and holding out his hand.

"i'm riley. this is wyatt." i say, accepting his shake.

"i'm glad ethan has people to be here with him. patients who don't are usually very hard to deal with."
"anyway, ethan, if you could undress into this hospital gown, it would be greatly appreciated."

ethan takes the gown and dr. willis leaves the room and wyatt locks it.

ethan pulls down his shorts and shirt, slipping the gown over his head.

we wait a few minutes and the doctor comes back in, along with a few nurses. he lays ethan in a bed and injects an iv into him filled with a small dosage of the gas.

"woah," he smiles loopily, "this hits."

"how do you feel?" i ask

"i feel gooodddd..."

"just keep him company until we're ready for him." dr. willis says and exits the room again.

"ethan, what's your biggest secret?" wyatt asks

"hey," i hit him lightly, "don't take advantage of him like that."

"i'm not on enough anesthesia to answer that question, wy." ethan smirks.

"any last words before surgery?" i ask him

he's getting more and more loopy by the second.

"if i don't come back-"

"ethan," i laugh, "you're not going to die."

"no but i have a message-"

the doctor comes in, interrupting ethan's sentence.

"we're ready, ethan." he smiles brightly. two nurses wheel ethan's cot through a door connected to the room.

he blows a kiss before the door shuts, making me chuckle lightly.

"so how do you think he's gonna be?" wyatt turns to me

"i hope he doesn't say something stupid in front of mom and dad."

"who's going to take care of him after his surgery?"

"me. his mom will be back tomorrow afternoon, i think."

"dad is going to insist on helping," wyatt says

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