chapter thirty-three

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"are you ready?" i call out to riley

wyatt sits in the drivers side and rolls his eyes.

"she can never be on time," he mumbles

"i'm here!" she runs up to the car breathlessly and i laugh.

"you guys do know you don't have to come, right?"

i'm going back home to get my deviated septum fixed.

"of course we do," riley slides in next to me, "i want to see you drugged up."

"then you should've come to visit last year," wyatt jokes and i try to smack him.

"not funny."

so basically i'll be on a drug that makes me super loopy and i'll have no control over what i'm saying. great.

grayson is getting the surgery in a few weeks because lacrosse gets in the way right now, so i'll be going through this alone.

"it'll be fine," riley assures and taps her phone for a little bit.

i nervously bounce my leg for awhile until riley lays her hand on my thigh.

it stops my leg from bouncing and i focus on her nails.

they're pretty. a light pinkish color with some white designs.


the drive home went fast. ethan fell asleep so wyatt and i discussed school, people, and our professors.

"i think it's a good thing you're getting away from your dorm for awhile," he says, pulling into our driveway, "maybe quinn will think you moved."


ethan is still sleeping so i gently shake him until his eyes flutter.

"we're here."

he sits up and stretches, noticing his surroundings.

"are you sure you don't want to see your mom first?" wyatt asks

"she's out of town for the weekend." he yawns

"and you're getting surgery alone?"

"i'm not alone. i have you guys."


"they're hommeeeee!" my mom comes running up to the car, clearly excited.

"hi mom," i say, stepping out of the car and bringing her into a hug.

"i have very vague details why you guys are back," my dad smiles and hugs wyatt.

"well," i say, "ethan is getting his deviated septum fixed and his mom is out of town, so we're here."

"nice to see you again." ethan smiles and hugs my mom.

"you too sweetie. but, what's a deviated septum?"

"i just can't really breathe out of my nose so i guess they're going to fix that?"

"there's a bit more of a scientific term," my dad jokes, "but yes that's basically it. good to have you back ethan."

we all make our way into the house and my mom says, "so we ordered a pizza for dinner. hope that's okay?"

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