chapter six

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"he said no?" elanor looks about on the verge of tears

"he didn't say no!" i reassure quickly, "he said he'd, uh, think about it."

"don't lie." she says, her face crumpling.

"he said no."

i hate how i always have to be the bearer of bad news.

elanor bursts into sobs and i rub her back awkwardly.

"he's not the one, then." i comfort.

"i just wish he'd like me," she blows her nose into her bedsheets and i cringe.

i start to climb down the ladder off her bed when my phone dings.

i race to look at it, hoping it'd be from one particular person.

it's not.

wyatt: did u go to the gym with ethan today

me: yeah why?

wyatt: just wondering

me: are you not telling me something?

wyatt: i don't think you should catch feelings for him

me: who said i was?

wyatt: just don't. it would totally tear things apart for me and him.

me: not everything's about you

i angrily turn my phone off and announce that i'm going to shower.

"good luck," elanor hiccups


"it's co-ed."

"okay but the showers have curtains right?"


"then i couldn't care less." i swing my towel over my shoulder, slip on my flip flops and grab my shower caddy.

the bathroom isn't far from my room. it's in wyatt's hallway.

i take a deep breath and turn the handle of the door that has the boy and girl symbol on it.

hot steam hits me right as i walk in and i cough, the smell of cologne and perfume mixing.

i see a group of boys walking around with towels around their waist and girls with towel torpedos and robes.

everyone seems to be covered. good.

except for two guys who clearly paid their way in, who are in the corner whipping each other with their towels.

"ew," i quickly look away

"you just have to ignore it." a familiar voice says

i look up and see ethan.

he's not wearing a shirt-which for some reason makes my breath get caught in my throat- but he is wearing a pair of shorts. his hair is wet and almost spiky looking.

"good call," i laugh

"tip of advice: if you don't want any guys ripping open your shower curtain, shower down there." he points a little ways down the line.

"you actually do that?" i ask, mouth wide.

"me? no. my friends, yes."

i nod and say, "well i'll see you tomorrow?"

"wait!" he says quickly, "did you end up skipping your class?"

"yeah," i say in embarrassment, "i was like dead."

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