chapter twenty-one

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i'm sitting at my desk, typing on my laptop when someone knocks on my door.

"come in!" i yell, not looking up from my computer.

"hey," my mom says, "going to bed soon?"

"yeah," i yawn, "it's almost midnight. and i leave tomorrow."

"yeah," she smiles sadly, "it's almost worse than saying goodbye the first time."

"i'll be back in like two weeks probably." i laugh and finally face her, "is that what you came in to talk about?"

"no actually," she says, "i came in to ask you something."

"what?" i ask cautiously

"you can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"... yes?"

"so tell me."


"about ethan."

"oh," i say, kind of surprised she ask. usually she lets me be. "i mean, we hang out."

"i need you to tell me the truth."

"what are you implying?"

"i think you like him and he likes you."

i'm silent for a bit, and she speaks up, "i'm not forcing you to tell me anything, but i am curious.

"what makes you think that?"

"everything," she laughs, "the way you get excited when someone says his name, how he looks at you, how you look at him, how you guys even make physical contact a lot, and especially tonight. the way you hugged him right when you saw him. how he brought you your favorite things. how you fell asleep and he never stopped looking at you. how he gave you his sweatshirt when you were complaining that he had to leave. how you dragged him to the porch to say something private. i see it all, riley."

"wow," i say, impressed, "you notice a lot of things."

"i'm a lawyer. it's kind of a thing i have to pay attention to."

i laugh and fiddle with a pencil in my hands.

"yeah... we like each other. a lot. but we just think it's better if we stay friends and stuff."

"you're not telling me everything." my mom states, serving me a side eye.

"okay so we're not just friends, but we're also not dating. we're in that stage where i don't want him talking to other girls and he doesn't want me talking to other guys, but we're not dating yet."

"why not?"

"wyatt," i roll my eyes, "he threatens to ruin our relationship if we date."

"so he knows you have feelings for him?"

"i deny it all the time, but he's not stupid."

"why should wyatt decide who you date?" she asks

"good question," i kind of giggle, "i don't really know. but i feel like i'd be betraying my brother if i got together with ethan."

"so... what're you going to do about it?"

"nothing as of right now." i sigh, "maybe in the summer when everything is settled down. i'm just going to keep denying it to everyone."

"i just wondered."

"but you can't tell anyone. not even dad." i say, fiercely locking eyes with her

"why?" she asks, startled

"because he can't ever keep a secret, okay?"

"fine. i promise." my mom says, holding out her pinky.

i interlock mine with hers and she smiles.

"that's all i need, i guess." she shrugs

"goodnight mom."


"hurry up!" wyatt yells at his sister, who is currently sobbing and saying goodbye to her parents.

"just lay off her, bro." i shake my head

"we're going to be late if she doesn't get in."

riley opens the backseat door, next to me, and buckled her seatbelt glumly.

i can't exactly comfort her out loud, so i text her.

me: are you okay?

riley: i'm fine

me: we're going to be back soon

riley: i know. i'm just going to miss my parents. i forgot how hard it is to leave.

me: virtual hugs

riley: i can literally almost feel it

me: virtual kisses

riley: stop you're going me make me cry more

me: just fall asleep and soon we'll be there. its what you do best

riley: haha so funny 😒

me: did i lie?

riley: ... no

"what're you smiling about?" grayson asks me

"nothing. everything." i answer and slip my phone into my pocket.

"i can't believe it's already october," riley changes the subject, "like it feels like we just started school."

"we kinda did." grayson says.

"thanks genius," riley smiles, "guess i forgot."

we drive in silence for a a good ten minutes, until wyatt stops for gas.

"f*ck this i'm moving to the middle seat," riley whispers to grayson and i as soon as wyatt is outside and out of ear shot.

she unbuckles her seatbelt and moves half a foot so she's sitting in the middle seat, very close to me.

"hi," she sighs and leans her head on my chest.

"hi," i match her tone

"gross," grayson mocks in the same voice and turns his head away

"i'm kind of excited to be back in my dorm with elanor," she says, "she always made sure i went to bed at a good time."

"that bitch?" it slips out of my mouth, forgetting to filter myself.

"ethan!" she laughs and lifts her head off me, hitting me lightly in the chest.

before i can say anything else, she shoots in an upright, perfect posture position, scooting as far away from me as she can, all while still being in the middle seat.


"wyatt." she mutters quickly and the drivers door opens.

"alright," wyatt smiles and buckled up, "we're filled."

a buzz comes from my phone, so i turn on my lock screen.

riley: promise me you'll hug me when we get back to the dorms

ethan: i'll do one better. just relax. we'll be there soon.

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