chapter three

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"wake up sleepyhead!" elanor's voice echos through my head, waking me from a dream i'm having.

i jolt up quickly and- disoriented- check my surrounding.

very unfamiliar.

"our first class is in an hour," elanor smiles up at me, curling her hair as she talks.

we have the same class at 9 am on tuesdays. some sort of business thing.

"okay," i yawn and stretch, "thank you for waking me up."

really, i wish i could've waited till the last possible moment to wake up and get ready, but i guess with her that's not an option.

i slowly climb out of bed and walk over to our clothes rack thing that's mounted to our wall.

"maybe i should look nice today," i wonder aloud, "to make a good first impression."

"yes!" elanor agrees

i pick out this outfit:

elanor stares me up and down after i put it on

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elanor stares me up and down after i put it on.

"riley- love you, but that's nice?"

"i don't want to be uncomfortable," i reason.

she nods and goes back to her makeup.

i don't ever really do a lot with makeup so i just apply a bb cream and mascara, along with some lip gloss.

by the time i'm done, we still have 10 minutes before we need to leave.

i sit on my bed, stomach rolling. i'm so nauseas for this.

i scroll through twitter until i hear elanor yell, "ready!"

we sling our backpacks over our shoulders and open the door.

"we should get coffee-" elanor starts to say, but something else catches my eye.

it's that ethan guy, my brothers friend.

he's in the middle of closing his door, and i pray he doesn't look up while i'm locking ours.

he does, to my disappointment.

"hey," he nods his head up,

"morning." i squeak out.

i always get so nervous around this guy. he's kind of intimidating.

i'm fully prepared for him to turn around in the opposite direction as us, but he stays.

"so uh," he says, "where you headed?"

"pimentel." i say quickly. it's the lecture hall we're going to this morning.

"same," he smiles

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