chapter twenty-eight

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me: she hasn't called me in two days

gray: she's still processing things. you hurt her, man. she can't just bounce back from that.

me: i understand but what about me? i need her right now.

gray: just leave her be and she'll come to you

me: promise?

gray: cross my heart

i sigh and pocket my phone, not really sure what to do.

we spent so long building up our relationship to what it was, all to have it come crashing down over something so stupid.

i start on my homework, putting in my airpods and escaping reality.

maybe i need to go home for a bit?

no ethan. you can't just run from your problems.


i say goodnight to my roommate and set my alarms for tomorrow.

i've been going to bed early recently, and i have no clue why.

i turn to my side, lick my lips and close my eyes.

but i can't stop thinking about her.

the way she talks.

the way she walks.

her beautiful face.

her stunning body.

how when she laughs so hard she sometimes snorts.

how she-

my thoughts are cut off by my phone dinging.

i swear if it's erickson again, i grumble to myself.

i pick up my phone and the light it gives off blinds me and makes me squint.

when my eyes get adjusted to the light, i read the notification.

imessage from riley

my eyes widen and my heart races out of my chest.


i eagerly unlock my phone and click open our text log.

riley: been thinking about things. i sorted stuff out with myself. can you please meet me in the gym pool asap?

me: of course. are we swimming?

riley: yes

me: it's past 9 pm

riley: does it sound like i care

i laugh, realizing i have the real deal riley back.

at least a little.

i hop out of bed and tear off my sweatpants, changing into my white swim trunks.

"where you going?" aiden mumbles

"out." i say and shut the door.

i race down the stairs and out the door, the cold october air hitting me hard.

i jog across the street and scan my campus id, letting me in the building.

i walk in nonchalantly and act like i should be here.

a few janitors are replacing trash cans, so i give them a very forced and awkward head nod.

they really don't seem to care.

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