chapter eight

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i thought about it. i'm going.

elanor isn't because she's in bed as always.

me: what do i wear
me: serious question

ethan: something that's hard to take off

me: am i going to get sexually harassed at this party

ethan: sadly i really can't promise you

me: you have to

ethan: i promise you won't be harassed

me: so can i wear a skirt?

ethan: that doesn't seem very you

me: you've known me for 4 days

ethan: correct. skirts are fine.

me: what are you wearing?

ethan: t-shirt. jeans. boring stuff.

me: then i'll be the non boring one

i pick out a mini skirt and a shirt i got from brandy melville and do my hair up all nice. i put small hoop earrings in and do my makeup very cute.

just this once i want to feel pretty.

just this once i want to show skin.

just this once.

i just wear nike air force 1's because they seem to go with everything.

i grab my phone and knock on ethans door.

"dingus! i'm ready!" i yell

he swings the door open and i stumble back a bit.

"hey," he says and quickly looks me up and down, "you look... nice."

"thanks." i say, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"the party is in 807," ethan says and opens the elevator.

"i thought you said it was down the hall?"

"locations change every hour," he rolls his eyes

"is there anything i should be... aware of?" i whisper the last part

"don't take drinks from anyone other than me, don't talk to people who are clearly very intoxicated, and don't go 'back to his place' with a guy."


"just cause." he looks uncomfortable

"what if he just wants to show me his rock collection?"

"just don't, okay?" he says more forcefully.

is he being possessive or protective?

more importantly, why?

we get off on the eighth floor and he leads me to room 808. the party is leaking out into the hallway and it's making me claustrophobic.

"how are they allowed to do this?" i yell over the noise

"they rent two empty dorms and pay off the RA!" ethan shouts

"sounds stupid!"

"i know," he responds, quieter this time.

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