chapter nine

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kind of bummed she didn't want to go to walmart.

kind of bummed she heard me promise wyatt no feelings.

something is just different about her than all the other girls i've been friends with.

she seems real. she's not afraid to tell me things or criticize me on stuff i'm doing. she doesn't hide behind her real laugh and try to get me to like her.

she's riley.

i decide i should shower.

i smell like college dorm party. ew.

i slip on my showering flip flops and grab my towel.

all the guys make fun of my shower caddy but they're going to be the sorry ones when their skin is dry due to lack of exfoliation.

i make my way to the showers a few hallways over and out when i open the door, it's empty.

thank god.

i strip down and wrap a towel around my waist, just in case someone does come in while i'm setting up my stuff.
i'm hanging up my towel on the rack when the door opens.

i crane my neck to see who it is.

you've got to be kidding me.

"riley?" i ask

her head turns and she looks surprised to see me.

her eyes travel down to my towel and i curse myself fro not leaving my clothes on for longer.

her eyes quickly snap back up to my face.

"hey." is all she says

"guess we had the same idea."

"yeah," she shrugs, "i smelled like white claw and drunk people."

i laugh a little.

"okay, well." i say awkwardly, "bye."


i disappear behind my curtain and shake my head at my stupidness.

i drop my towel and turn on the hot water.

all the way up.

i hear riley's shower turn on and her yelp a little bit from the cold.

i turn my water a down a little bit and she lets out a relaxed sigh.

we shower in silence for a few minutes, but it gets kind of awkward.

"so," i say and i hear her laugh, "how've you been?"

"considering i saw you 10 minutes ago, not much has changed."

"you still down for rec center tomorrow?" i ask and apply conditioner to my hair

"oh yes. i'll beat your ass in ping pong."

"bet," i challenge

we're silent for a few minutes longer and i hear her shower head turn off.

god she takes fast showers.

i'm just finishing up.

i hear her curtain open and a footstep on the tile floors.

i turn off my shower and reach for my clothes, only to remember that i didn't bring any.

f*ck. me.

i can't just go out there in a towel because i don't want her to think i'm like, creepy, but i also don't want to stay in here until she leaves.

"damn," i mutter under my breath.

"what wrong?" i hear her voice echo through the bathroom.

it's pretty.

"um," i say, "how long do you think you'll take?"


"i forgot my clothes."

i hear her laugh and i roll my eyes playfully, forgetting that she can't see me.

"where's your room key?" she asks


"i can run in and find your stuff. i have to do that all the time when elanor's asleep so i'm pretty much a pro by now."

"i have them in here. i'll throw them over the curtain."

"okay," i see her shadow appear outside my stall and i cover up, forgetting once again that these shower curtains are 1 sided.

i dig through my caddy and fumble to get the keys.

i launch them over and she catches them.

"i'll be back!" she yells as she runs out the door.

i smile a little and make a mental note that i owe her.

i anxiously wait about 10 minutes. is it supposed to take this long? what if my roommate isn't letting her leave?

then- thankfully- the door swings open and i hear urgent footsteps running to my stall.

"sorry," she apologizes, "i ran into my brother and i had to tell him i was taking the clothes to the lost and found."

"why didn't you just tell him the truth?" i laugh

there's silence before she says, "you know what i don't know."

she hands me each article of clothing one by one, making sure they don't fall in the puddle on the floor.

i get a little embarrassed when she gives me my underwear, but i'm thankful she remembered it.

"is my roommate asleep?" i ask, pulling the shirt over my head.

"no. he's playing video games. i told him why i was in there and he just grunted."

"that's alex for you," i roll my eyes

"his campus card said aiden."


"well, i'm going to go to bed. goodnight ethan." i can't hear the smile in her voice

"goodnight riley."

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