chapter forty-nine

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me: who's the girl on your story

riley: that's my new friend sloane

me: where'd you meet her?

riley: class. how's your day?

me: it's going alright. how's yours?

riley: fun! sloane and i are thrifting which is a new experience for me. wasting too much money.

me: that's my girl

riley: you working on the project?

me: finishing it up tonight. why?

riley: nothing just wondered. love you. see you soon.

me: love you 2


"ew," sloane scrunches her face, "stop trying to make vertical stripes happen."

i laugh, placing the jeans back on the rack.

sloane's humor confused me at first, but now i think i'm getting the hang of it.

"wait hold on," she grabs my arm lightly, "come back. this top is screaming your name."

she holds up a cream colored cinched crop top with flowy arms.

"maybe," i say and hold it up against me.

"i think you'd look renaissance mixed with basic boho coachella." sloane says, tilting her head.

"then it's a must have," i joke

i throw it in my try-on pile and we sift through the racks quietly for a few minutes.

"so tell me a bit about yourself," i say

"um, i'm sloane wheeler, i hate anything pink, my favorite thing to do is thrift, i have a secret tattoo, and i'm studying to be a financial adviser."

"that's it?"

"well i have two older sisters, one younger. i hate all of them except my little sister. another thing is i got through outfit phases literally every week. tomorrow is soft. i'm done with trashy grunge."

"wow," i admit, "it'll be weird seeing you without the nose ring."

"it's fake," she pulls it out and i laugh.

"so what about you? fill me in on the gory details," she says dramatically

"i'm riley romano, my boyfriend's name is ethan, i have an older brother who also goes here, i'm studying pre law, and my favorite color is yellow."

i skip over all my emotional trauma.

"who's your brother?"

"wyatt romano."

she giggles and i raise an eyebrow.

"what's so funny?"

"he tried to hook up with me at a party once."

"are you sure it was him?" my eyes widen


"wow," i laugh, "douchebag."

"most guys are," she sings


i knock on her door, ready to sweep her into my arms and beg for forgiveness for borderline ignoring her for 3 whole days, just like they do in the movies.

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