chapter thirty-eight

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he pushes me down on the bed and hovers over me.

"don't test me, riley." he says, his eyes dark.

"and what're you gonna do?" i say, purposefully trying to get him angry.

"just you wait."

(A/N: may i remind you that i don't write dirty scenes? makes me uncomfortable. sorryyyy! just use your imagination.)


"wow," i say, "every damn time it gets me like this."

"you think they heard?" ethan asks, slipping his shirt over his head.

"no. they're probably all in bed."

"here," he says, throwing me my shirt.


it's around 11:30, but ethan and i laid in my bed for a little bit afterwards, whispering sweet nothings.

"it's smells like sex in here," i point out, wrinkling my nose.

ethan walks to my desk and picks up a bottle of body spray.

he starts to spray it around the room, making me cough.

"i could've found febreze or something," i say, my eyes watering from the overpowering smell.

"i'm sorryyy," he sings, bringing me in for a tight hug.

"i love you,"

"i love you."

"ew we need to stop we're turning into those couples i made fun of in highschool," i gag

"you made fun of people? never." he says, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"i did some silent judging in my days,"

"what was your judgment of me?"


"ouch," he says, "that hurt."

"was i wrong?"

"... no."

we stay silent for a few moment, just trying to take in the moment before he has to go home.

"i should be old enough to have guys stay over," i frown into his chest.

"i'd never allow my daughter to have boys stay over," ethan chuckles


"because i know how i was in high school and i know that's how a lot of guys are,"

"you're right," i say, looking up at him, "sadly."

"i gotta go," he sighs, "but don't forget. bright and early tomorrow we hit the road."

"can it just be thanksgiving break yet?" i grumble

"soon. goodnight angel."

"goodnight," i say sadly as he kisses my forehead and walks out my bedroom door.


i quietly creep up the stairs, hoping the floorboards don't creak.

i pass into the living room swiftly, but a noise brings my attention to the couch.

"hello?" a tired voice yawns


"ethan," mr. romano's voice says, "what time is it?"

"about midnight. what are you doing on the couch?"

"i don't go to sleep until everyone else in the house is," he chuckles quietly, "it's like OCD or something."

"well, i'm- i'm heading out," i say, pointing to the door. i realize he can't see me in the blackened room and i feel stupid.

"before you go," he says, "i wanna tell you something."

"yes?" i ask nervously.

"thank you for making riley feel special. that necklace means more to her than you could ever imagine. she was so happy."

"it was my pleasure. i'm glad she likes it." i smile, my cheeks heating up, "goodnight mr. romano."

"it's garrett," he reminds me as i make my way to the front door.

as i'm about to open it, he calls out, "and ethan?"


"curfew is 11:30."

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