chapter fifteen

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"are you sure?" i ask her once again

"i'm already f*cking laying down, ethan. yes i'm sure." she rolls her eyes at me

"sassy today."

"i'm sorry," she says, "i'm just nervous."

"don't worry. i go to this guy all the time. he's good." i say, patting my tattoo artist on the back.

he only grunts in response.

we go way back, but he'll never admit it.

"alright," tattoo guy says, "i'm ready."

riley takes a deep, shaky breath.

i stand above her head, towering over her.

"i'm going to have to ask you to remove your left arm from your shirt." the guy grumbles, sanitizing his needle.

riley takes off half her shirt so it's hung around her neck.

she's not wearing a bra.

this is new.

my breath gets caught in my throat and i have to keep myself from staring.

"hold my hand." she looks up at me with terrified eyes.

"it's going to be fine." i say softly and reassuringly, grabbing her hand in mine and squeezing it.

"okay," she breathes, "just do it."

tattoo guy places the temporary ink on her side rib and sanitizes the spot around it once again.

he slowly inches the needle closer and closer to riley- which causes her to grip my hand harder. her palms and forehead are getting sweaty.

"hey," i say in my best soothing voice, "relax. it's going to be over in a little bit."

the needle touches her, and she lets out a small noise, but tightens her lips to stop making others.

"see it's not that bad?" i smile, hoping i'm convincing her.

"lie," she manages to get out before she lets out another pain grunt.

"lay still." the tattoo artists says and she tries to relax.

her palm is so sweaty it's starting to slip out of mine. i only grab it tighter.

"e get a video." she manages to laugh and i pull out my phone.

i record her and the tattoo and how sweaty our two palms are when they're held together.

then i flip the camera around to me and just start rambling.

"so we're in- west street tattoo parlor, i think?- whatever. anyway, riley is getting her first tattoo and she's squeezing my hand off but it's okay because rib tats hurt."

she laughs in the background and i keep going:

"so whoever's watching this- mom, grandma, dad, uh, wyatt," i list off, "riley just got a tattoo!" i smile big at the camera.

"anything else to add, riles?"

"don't do this- ever." she giggles and the tattoo guy cracks a smile.

pretty soon, the tattoo is done with and he's putting the plastic over it.

"it looks good." i nod, inspecting it.

"you don't need to be that close, e." riley says, "wait was this a master plan just to see one of my boobs?"

"maybe," i tease and shrug

"shut up." she says, but with a laugh

"i need to see it." she starts to stand up and i help her, knowing that first time tatters can get light headed.

"wow thanks," she grips onto me, "wasn't expecting that."

she holds one of her hands over her nipple as she walks across the public shop, until she reaches the mirror.

"badass," she grins when she sees it.

"very." i agree.

"who knew two faces abstractly drawn together could look this cool?" she turns to me and wonders out loud.

"you could honestly rock anything."


"so you then want to drag it so it covers it," ethan takes my phone and drags the blurry section thing over on my nipple.

we're preparing the video to send to my family. usually you don't want your family to see your boob as the side of it is getting tattooed

"ohhhh," i say, finally getting it.

"and boom it's done."

"should i send it to wyatt?"

"why not? i mean what's he gonna do?" ethan rolls his eyes


i send the video to my whole family group chat.

within minutes, i've gotten replies from pretty much my entire family.

dad: is that ethan dolan?
dad: wyatt's friend?
dad: why is he with you getting a tattoo?

mom: i love! so pretty. wish you would've told me first, but it's a nice surprise this saturday morning.

grandma june: like the art. wish you would've gotten it somewhere where you can show it off more! very handsome boy in the video. is he your boyfriend?

wyatt: ...

me: dad, yes that's ethan. he says hi.
me: mom, so glad you like it! i've been debating this design for awhile
me: gma, i decided to get my first tattoo hidden in case i don't like it. no that's not my boyfriend, but he says thanks for the compliment!

"i like your grandma." ethan says to me

"don't flatter yourself. she's just tired of seeing me single."

"ouch," he hits his fist against his chest in mock hurt.

"so let me get one thing straight," i say, leaning forward off the edge of ethan's futon, "last weekend, we went swimming in the river, and this weekend i got my first tattoo. how are we going to do better next weekend?"

"how about a date?" ethan suggests.

"a date?"

"let me take you on a date. if you want." he quickly adds

"actually," i smile, "that would be awesome."

we still haven't kissed since the last failed attempt with wyatt, and in the hallway that one night.

"and this time," he points at me, "it won't be a friend date."

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