chapter seven

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do i feel like a douchebag? yes.

last night, riley saw one of my old one night stands and now she most likely thinks i'm a player.

don't get me wrong, i was. but i don't want to be anymore.

it's 4 pm and i'm bored as hell.

i want to hang out with riley, but i should probably ask wyatt first. he seems to be mad at me.

me: wanna hang out?

wyatt: homework

me: will u be mad if i hang out with riley

wyatt: ...

me: be honest

wyatt: yeah

me: why?

wyatt: i don't want you catching feelings for her

me: who said i was?

wyatt: it'll totally break our bond.

me: not everything's about us

i feel bad, so i say one more thing

me: i promise not to catch feelings

wyatt: i still don't want you to

i rolls my eyes. i don't have to listen to him.
i open riley's text log and type:

me: hey
me: do you wanna go to the library?

riley: library?

me: i was going to suggest something fun but we also have homework

riley: sure. i'll meet you there.

her energy sounds different.

me: i'll just wait outside your door?

riley: yeah okay

i frown, but brush it off.

i grab my bag full of my books and papers and walk out to the hallway.

she appears a few seconds after me and i smile. she returns it.

"all done with your classes today?" i ask

"yes," she gushes, "it's all so annoying. most of the professors are old and mean."

"just in the business classes." i shake my head, "political science is where they're the best."


"cause they're young and they're politically correct, hence the name 'political science'."

"right," she laughs, "i'm dumb."

we walk out of the dorms and she breaks the silence.

"why don't you hang out with wyatt?"

"because," i shrug, "can i not hang out with my new friend?"

"well you just never payed attention to me whenever you came over in high school so i just wondered."

"did he text you?" i ask

"yeah... you?"

"yeah." i duck my head.

"what did he say?" she asks carefully

"not much," i lie, "he's just pissed i'm not hanging around him."

"yeah same." she says, but her face gets red so i know she's lying.

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