chapter forty-three

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riley's parents arrive around 9:30 am.

i've never seen two grown parents cry harder. it even brought me to tears, and i've been trying to stay strong this entire time. for riley.

she still hasn't eaten much, but i got her to finish half the burrito. i looked up why she wasn't hungry, and the internet said it's completely normal to have a small appetite after a disturbing or emotional situation.

"riley," linda says, wiping her eyes, "i scheduled you an appointment with a friend of mine."

riley looks panicked, and she says, "i thought you said no therapists yet."

"it's just one session, to see if you like it. it'll be very informal."

silence fills the dorm, and i decide to change the subject.

"officer renaldo stopped by earlier this morning with the printed out report. quinn even got a mugshot."

i pull the file from on top of riley's bed. the first thing i see when i open it is the photo of the mark he left on her.

my heart pangs and i have to look away from it, fear that my emotions will control me.

riley looks away too, fearing the same thing as me.

i hold it out far in front of me and garrett takes it from my hands.

"riley kate romano was found in the alfa epilson fraternity house on the night of november 15th, 2019 at the time of 10:47 pm by her current boyfriend, ethan grant dolan—" garrett starts to read evenly

"— she was discovered trembling on the floor in fear, her blouse taken off by quinn michael mcallister. quinn has had no record of sexual assault until now. she claims he grabbed her forcefully by the arm and dragged her into his room, threatening her with a small pocket knife if she yelled for help. he then proceeded to leave a hickey on her right breast. (the only marking found)—"

his voice breaks at that part and i have to shut my eyes, stopping anything from coming out.

"— ethan dolan then barged into his room, after being worried and suspicious from not seeing riley in a concerning period of time. the witness, lily edwards, says ethan pushed quinn back out of anger, causing him to hit his head on a dresser, knocking him out for a few minutes—"

everyone in the room looks up at me and i stare at my shoes.

"— ethan then called for two unidentified boys to hold quinn down as lily called the cops, and ethan comforted the victim."

the victim.

i don't like the way they worded that.

"— he proceeded to put her shirt back on her and hold her tightly until the police arrived. when asked for questioning, riley demanded to not leave where she was in her boyfriend's presence."

"and that's about it," garrett looks up, eyes glossy.

linda sniffles, blowing her nose into a tissue.

riley hugs my side, and i don't let go.

"what do we do know?" linda asks the quiet room.

"we wait for time to heal. i'll be okay." riley mumbles

garrett turns away towards the window, probably fighting back a floodgate of emotions. garret has to be strong for linda, riley has to be strong for linda too, and i have to be strong for riley.

"i don't need therapy mom," riley pleads

"i just want her to check you out. don't call it therapy yet."

riley looks uneasy, so i squeeze her tightly for a few seconds.

"i really just want this whole situation to be over so i can move on with my life."

"we have to take it slow. look for signs of long term damage before it starts." i say quietly

7:49 pm.

"mom it's okay. i'm going to be fine." riley says, holding her mom's hands tightly.

"is ethan going to stay?" she asks worriedly

"yes. i'll be here." i reassure.

"mom you look tired," riley says, "get some sleep."

"will you make sure she sleeps?" linda turns to me.

i see the pain and tiredness only a mother can have.

"i promise." i say carefully.

"honey, let's go," garrett says, placing a hand on his wife's back.

"i love you! see you tomorrow!" linda calls as garrett closes the door.

"who would've thought that something like this would happen to me," riley says sadly.

"i wish i had an answer," i sigh.

"i just feel violated, you know?" she groans and crawls up to her loft bed.

i follow closely after.

"i know," i say, laying down next to her, "i know, baby."

"what would've happened if you didn't find me?" she asks in a scared voice, eyes wide and glossy.

"let's not think about that," i whisper, putting my arm around her, "because it didn't happen."

she flips around so she's the little spoon and scooches close to me.

"goodnight, riley." i kiss the back of her head, "shut your eyes."

the trembles are gone, for the most part.

the only deep scarring she has left is just memories.

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