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NOTE: this is the last chapter before my sequel. i'm nervous, but like rlly excited lol. anyway, i'm thinking of naming it "oxygen." let me know your thoughts and opinions PLEASE!

also, thank you so much for sticking with this story. i really can't show the appreciation i feel. I LOVE YOU!


winter break went by fast, and before i knew it, i was back at my dorm with elanor and sloane.

i would pass by ethan on my way to class, or maybe we'd run into each other as we came home at night, and also in the gym.

we never even looked up, we pretended to busy ourselves on our phones, not being able to muster up even a "hello."

wyatt feels conflicted, but i told him he doesn't need to choose sides. he has me and ethan.

it's not like i walked away from the relationship with something against ethan, i just wasn't feeling like it was the best thing for me.

so, basically all i can say is;

for the love of god, next year, i hope he's not two doors down.

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