chapter twenty

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"mom i'm bored," wyatt complains to my mom who's working on a case.

"go talk to your father, i'm busy." she keeps her eyes locked on her papers and holds up her hands.

he grumble as he walks away, passing me sitting on the stairs.

"hey," he says

"hey." i respond.

"i'm gonna ask maya if she can hang out."

"maya? my friend maya?" i ask, shocked.

"yeah," he stares, "is there a problem?"

"n-no." i stutter, knowing that if i say yes, he'll bring up ethan.

"good." he says and walks upstairs, probably already texting her.

"hey mom," i say walking into her office, "mind if i have someone over?"

"it's saturday night. do what you want." she mutters and writes a note down.

"good. i'm having ethan over to watch a movie."

"wyatt joining?"

"nope." i say and pop the 'p' with an evil smirk.

i wanted to see ethan anyway, so this just helps me out more.

me: come over now

ethan: why? is something wrong?

me: i miss u

ethan: omw

i run downstairs and change my clothes into white nike joggers, a grey crop top, and white nike socks.

by the time i've chosen a movie (he always makes me) and put it in the dvd player, ethan rings the doorbell.

"hi!" i swing open the door and am greeted by maya instead.

"hey girl!" she exclaims and i automatically feel bad for not being as excited as her.

i pull her into a hug and she says, "we need to grab lunch sometime, but where's your brother?"

"upstairs." i motion my head up

"cool," she grins, "see ya."

i watch her disappear up the stairs and frown, wishing ethan could just hurry up.

he arrives a few minutes later, holding a big bag of sour patch kids (my favorite) and two bottles of pure leaf raspberry tea (also my favorite).

"hey," i say, pulling him into a hug

"something wrong?" he raises his eyebrow, but embraces me back nonetheless.

"does something have to be wrong for me to miss you?" i ask

my mom coughs from the dining room, indicating that she's watching this whole thing.

"miss hanging out with you, i mean." i correct myself

ethan glances over my head and smiles, so i know he's spotted my mom.

"what's you plan tonight, kids?" she asks when we stand in the dining room entrance.

"movie. boring stuff." i shrug

"where?" ethan asks

i grab his hand and bring him to the living room, where i've set up a fort kind of.

it's on the couch, but there's tons of blankets and pillows everywhere.

"this look relaxing," he sighs, "what movie did you pick?"

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