chapter seventeen

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maya: why is ethan dolan literally in love with you

i stare down at the text from one of my friends from my old ap science class, confused.

me: ??

maya: r u blind

me: elaborate

maya: he comments on all your instagram posts

me: it was one time

maya: multiple times. anyway, he posts you all over his snapchat story

me: bc we like to do dumb stuff

maya: no. don't you realize he's not only posting the funny videos? he's posting the ones of you laughing at a video on your phone, eating in a restaurant together, watching a movie, and when you scratch his back or he plays with your hair

me: so

maya: i love you, i really do, but girl you're clueless
maya: tell me what's really going on with you and the old high school fkboy

me: we're talking and hanging out a lot

maya: that's it? don't believe it.

me: okay so we've admitted we have feelings for each other.

maya: I KNEW IT

me: and we kissed
me: once


me: not at all

maya: isn't he like a major player tho?

me: he's changed, actually. i know thats cliche but it's true.

maya: and how does wyatt feel about this?

me: he doesn't really know...

maya: you're kidding.

me: he knows we hang out a lot, but he doesn't know about the feelings and he doesn't know about the kiss. and it will STAY THAT WAY

maya: he has to have some clue

me: he has a suspicion.

maya: and so what? you're gonna tell him after you're married and have 4 kids?

me: **2

maya: so you've talked about this

me: no! but i would want 2 kids.

maya: riley you gotta tell him

me: i will... sometime.

maya: so are you guys official or no?

me: no. still just friends as of right now but we're getting there.

maya: one step at a time, baby.


i still have no clue where this relationship- friendship thing is going.

we still haven't told anyone (besides grayson) about the kiss and what we feel.

what i do know for sure, is that we can't tell wyatt.

i think for like, ever.

"do you have any pencils in here?" i turn to riley, who's sitting next to me.

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