chapter thirteen

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leo and i have been at this restaurant for what feels like hours.

he's a genuinely nice guy, but words don't flow out of me like they do when i'm with ethan.

i'm very quiet, and i think he can tell.

"so, you like your burger?" he motions towards the few bites i've taken.

"yes," i say, "i just don't have a huge appetite."

"oh so you're one of those chicks."

"excuse me?" i make a startled face

"the ones that don't eat anything on the first date because they think they're fat."

my eyes widen in shock that he said that, and i start to pack up my things.

"thank you, leo. i really did enjoy this." i lie and throw a twenty dollar bill on the table

"wait! where're you going?" he asks, burger stuffed in his mouth

"i really don't think this is going to work." i say with an apologetic frown.

"did i say something?"

"no," i lie once again, "i just have someone else on my mind."

the last part wasn't a lie.

i realize i was thinking about someone else this entire night.

every time he'd make a snarky comment towards the waitress or if he'd burp or use homophobic slurs, i'd always think, ethan wouldn't do that.

he starts to protest, but i say, "i'm sorry leo. i hope this doesn't affect our friendship."

he's quiet and he looks mad.

better get out of here.

i speed walk out of the restaurant, trying not to draw attention to myself or leo.

i don't want to embarrass the kid.

it's 8 o clock.

i'd been on that date for two hours.

i'm ready to get back to my dorm and relax.

i order an uber because the shoes i'm wearing give me blisters if i even walk a few feet.

the driver drops me off outside my dorm building and i tip him and scurry out.

maybe i'm crazy, but when ethan saw leo pick me up, he looked envious.

i'm definitely going crazy.

why would he be envious?

i stumble to the elevator and angrily yank off my shoes.

i hold the wedges in my hands and the elevator stops on my floor.

i get off and slowly walk to my door.

i find myself moving a few feet further, next to ethan's door.

i hear the tv going and some talking, but i can't tell who it is.

i shrug and unlock my door, immediately throwing my shoes across the room.

"el?" i ask, looking to see if she's on her bed.

i get no response.

i sigh and take off the jean jacket i was wearing.

"i just need someone to talk to," i mumble to myself.

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