chapter thirty-five

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i wake up with a sore nose and a warm body pressed against me.

still disoriented, i glance down and see riley curled up next to me. she's sleeping.

she must sense my movement, because her eyes flutter open.

"hi," she yawns

"hey," i say, but nothing comes out.

"i'll get you water," she says, scrambling to untangle from the bedsheets.

she comes back a minute later, glass of water in hand.

i take it and slowly lift it up to my mouth, sipping on the cold water.

"thank you," i say, my voice raspy.

"how're you feeling?" she asks, sitting on the side of the bed and inspecting my nose.

"ow," i say when her hand comes in contact with the sore spot.

"sorry," she grimaces, "but the gauze needs changed."

"what time is it?" i ask as she unwraps and rewraps my nose.

riley glances at her phone and answers, "9:20 am."

"seriously?" i grumble and close my eyes again.

"are you feeling nauseas? lightheaded?"

"a little bit of both." i answer, my head leaning back.

"okay. the doctor said that's normal. are you hungry?"


"i'll make you pancakes." she says, reading my mind.

as she's about to get up, i reach out for her arm and lay my hand on it.

"what happened?"

"well," she laughs, "you told my parents about us. then continued to make a few sexual innuendos and sing. a lot."

"riley," i face palm, "i'm sorry."

"it's okay." she shrugs

"were they like... okay with it? about us, i mean."

"yeah," she smiles, "my mom suspected but my dad had no clue."

"i'm tired," i mumble

"then go back to sleep. pancakes will be up in a little."

"you don't have to take care of me," i remind her, but i'm hoping she doesn't leave.

i actually do need her here.

"yes i do, silly."

she goes downstairs and i look on my nightstand for my phone. it's not there.

"riley?" i call out hoarsely


"where's my phone?"

"it's down here. i didn't want you to do something stupid on it."

i swing my legs over the side of the bed and the room spins.


i get back into my previous position and close my eyes.

only minutes later, i hear a pattern of footsteps.

my mouth curves into a smile before i even open my eyes. riley.

"here," she smiles, setting the plate in my lap, "eat."

the pancakes are fluffy and covered in the perfect amount of syrup.

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