chapter thirty-seven

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last night felt like a fever dream.

i wake up in my bed, completely disoriented.

then i reach up to my neck and feel necklace. ethan's necklace.

i said it to him.

words i can't ever take back.

not that i'd want to.

i do love ethan. it was hard for me to decide, because i don't really know what it feels like to be in love.

then i talked to my dad a bit and he said some wise words to me.


"dad, what did it feel like when you fell in love with mom?"

"well," he laughs, "i couldn't stop thinking about her. no matter how hard i tried. she occupied 80% of my my mind 24/7. whenever someone would say her name, i'd get excited. she was my best friend, first choice for everything. why do you ask?"

"no reason," i lie, "i just like to hear about you guys as teens."

"is this about ethan?"

i'm silent, which gives him his answer.

"you'll know." is all he replies with, "you'll know when the time is right."

~ end of flashback ~

and the time is right.

i used to think it was impossible to fall in love in 2 months, but like always, ethan changed my mind.

my phone dings and i reach for it, hoping it's from him.

ethan: you make me happy

me: random act of love?

ethan: just a reminder to get you started with your day

me: are you ready to go back to school soon :(

ethan: no
ethan: i'm going to miss my mom

me: i love how tough you act around others but then get vulnerable like this
me: letting your feelings show is a sign of strength

ethan: random act of love?

me: just a reminder to get you started with your day

i close my phone with a smile and swing my legs over the side of the bed, ready to start my morning.

after my shower, i put on a nice outfit and practically dance downstairs.

"why are you so happy?" wyatt grumbles, chewing a piece of bacon while half asleep.

"i just am," i say, ruffling his hair as i walk by, "it's better than not being happy, right?"

"it's too early for this." he teases.

his eyes spot the necklace and he lets the smallest smile show.

i remember when ethan said he had to ask wyatt about something i've been wanting, and it makes me happy knowing wyatt chose this. he could've been a real asshole about it, but he's my brother, and i learned that family really is everything.

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