chapter nineteen

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"where are the napkins?" i yell, rushing around the kitchen.

"relax, riley," my dad laughs, "it's just a dinner with your brothers friends."

"ethan's my friend too," i huff almost defensively

"oh we know," my mom teases with a smile, cutting up strawberries and putting them in a bowl.

i ignore her implying comment and check the time.


they'll be here in 10 minutes.

"actually sweetie," my mom says, "tell them to bring their suits. the pool hasn't gotten much use since you guys left and i'd like to use it before it gets cold."

"okay," i say, beginning to text ethan

me: bring your swim trunks

ethan: ?

me: the pool is calling us

ethan: oh yes, that's right. the pool where i busted my lip in sophomore year.

me: that the one

i giggle down at my phone and my dad leans over my shoulder.

i quickly pull it close to my chest, even though i have nothing to hide, really.

"something funny?" he asks innocently, "usually you show me things that make you laugh."

"i'm just texting someone," i say

"probably ethan!" wyatt calls from the family room, and i can't practically hear his eye roll from here.

"shut up!" i yell back

"speaking of that," my dad says, "how in the world did you and ethan get close?"

"wyatt was always busy so we just started hanging out a lot, i guess." i shrug

"lies!" wyatt calls again, "you sometimes wouldn't even ask me!"

i'm about to yell something back when my dad stops me.

"wasn't he kind of... a player? in high school?"

"yeah," i say awkwardly and lean against the counter, "but this is where i usually go into the speech about how he's changed, but i just don't have the energy."

"he said riley changed him," wyatt comes walking in and i turn my head to him.

"you?!" my mom exclaims and looks at me

"all of you guys just assume we're dating!" i yell out in frustration, "can i not be friends with this kid?"

"see how they act around each other all night," wyatt spits, "see for yourself. they get flirty and quiet and giggly. it's like they read each other's minds."

i don't say anything.

"this is even his sweatshirt! i've seen him wear it!" he exclaims and pulls on the sleeve of the blue champion hoodie.

"i was cold!" i lamely protest, "so just-"

i get cut off by the doorbell ringing. i practically run to fling it open.

"surprise." ethan smiles big with teeth (which practically melts my heart)

"brought the salad," grayson says and holds up a big glass bowl.

"fantastic," i say and take it from him.

my mom appears behind me and lisa starts to speak up.

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