chapter eighteen

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me: i'm going home today

i text to multiple people, including ethan.

my third week at college went great, but i'm ready to see my mom and dad again.

ethan: me too. picking grayson up on the way.

me: we should just carpool. i'm driving wyatt and we can take you and pick up grayson.
me: that way we don't take multiple cars home unnecessarily

ethan: does your car have room?

me: always enough for you

ethan: can't tell if that was sweet or a fat joke

me: both 😍

ethan: i'm in 😍

i giggle at our text exchanges and zip up the rest of my suitcase.

i'm missing all my afternoon classes, but it's friday so most professors honestly don't show up.

elanor left yesterday, so i finally had a night in the dorm where the lights weren't out at 8 o clock. i played music and danced around a bit, but then realized that i kind of missed her.

i text ethan that he needs to be packed and ready to go by 2 pm.

it's 1:30, and he said he's almost done, so i just lay on my bed and read my accounting textbook, trying to cram in some studying.

ethan: i'm ready

me: already? it's only 1:45

ethan: we can get home sooner

me: good pooping
me: *point

ethan: very nice autocorrect. you use the word pooping a lot?

me: shut up

i lug my suitcase out to the hallway where i see ethan waiting.

"i just texted you directions to grayson's school. don't worry, it's on the way." he says and my phone dings.

"perfect. wyatt said he's waiting at my car."

we get into the elevator and he says, "i'm tired."

"me too honestly," i say as the doors open again, "i literally might just make wyatt drive."

"your car?" he laughs

"yes," i nod my head

we start in the direction of my car and the only sound is the wheels of our suitcases on the ground.

"i like your sweatshirt," ethan motions to the blue champion hoodie he gave me a few nights ago.

"thanks! i got it from some weirdo on the street," i grin.

"he must've been a pretty nice weirdo," he tilts his head, "letting you sleep warmly."

"he was alright," i tease and shrug my shoulders.

he only chuckles softly and i stop once i reach the trunk of my car, parked in the dorm parking lot.

"wyatt?" i call out

he emerges from the back seat and smiles.

"you ready?" he asks

"very much. i really want to sleep in my own bed."

"hey ethan," wyatt shifts his gaze to the tall figure next to me.

"what's new?"

"not much," wyatt pats the top of the car, "just feeing great."

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