chapter twenty-four

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"when do you see your score?" i ask, sipping out of my milkshake.

"probably when my old ass professor gets around to grading them." ethan says, which almost makes me snort whipped cream out of my nose.

"you're funny," i giggle and wipe my mouth

"you're the first person who's ever told me that." ethan grins and i make a shocked face.

"what?! i thought everyone knew."

"only you, apparently."

i hide my blush with my hair as i keep my head down.

"look up. you look pretty."

"wow someone's hitting on me," i joke, trying not to become awkward.

"you have a very hard time accepting compliments." he chuckles

"especially from you,"

"why?" he looks offended and i realize how rude it sounded

"not like that!" i reassure, "but like, i've seen the girls you've dated and stuff and i just feel... ordinary."

"you're anything but ordinary."

"stop!" i tease with a smile, "you're using lines i've seen 100 times in those cheesy pickup line books."

"i'm only telling the truth," he shrugs and sips his water.

dairy free ass.

"okay well i think i'm the one enjoying the milkshake. you want a sip?" i ask, innocently teasing.

"that would make me literally poop my pants," ethan laughs

i giggle and attempt to tie the stem of my cherry in a knot with my tongue.

"by the way," he clears his throat dramatically, "there's a party at my friends apartment tonight."

"oh yeah?" i ask, not really interested, but wanting to entertain him.

"they're so much more fun than the dorm ones, trust me."

"i'll think about it." i say and pop the cherry between my lips.


"i said i'll think about it," i roll my eyes

"pretty please?" he leans forward more

"why don't you go alone?" i laugh

"because. i don't want to. i want to take you."

"fine," i sigh, "but if i meet any guys like that one from the last party, i'm out."



"riley?" i yell as i knock on her door, "you ready?"

she swings open the door and i'm met face to face with the most beautiful girl i've ever met.

i glance down at her outfit and back up to her eyes.

she's wearing a sheer black long sleeve top and a bra underneath. and a black mini skirt.

this is going to be a long night.

"do i look okay?" she asks, worry present in her eyes.

"you look..." i say, at a loss for words, "amazing."

"thank you. i'm nervous. where is the party?"

"a few minute walk from here," i shrug

she turns around to put on her shoes and i see a tag sticking out from her sheer top.

"wait," i say, "tag."

she stops and let's me get close.

i stand so where her ass is almost touching me, and it's driving me crazy.

"there," i breathe, "got it."

she can tell. she knows how i feel.

riley back up a little bit more, making our bodies pressed to each other.

"stop," i say, low and angry, "you need to stop."

"or what?"

"if i'm going to respect your wait, you have to not get me riled up." i say and lightly push her shoulders forward, letting her step away a few feet.

"fine." she says through gritted teeth

"don't make this night start in a fight, riley."

"don't blame this on me." she shoots angrily

"but... it is your fault?" i say, furrowing my brows slightly.

apparently i'm not good boyfriend material, because i quickly learn some things should be left unsaid.

"i'm not going." she says with angry eyes and pushes me out the door.

"riley-" i start to protest, but a gust of wind comes over me as the door slams.

standing there alone in the hallway while riley is clearly upset doesn't make me feel good, but i'm upset too.

how could i comfort her if i need comforting too?

i debate on knocking again, or just going to the party alone.

i hold my knuckle out to the door, but retract it.

maybe riley and i need some time apart.

shaking my head, i turn away from her and start for the elevator.

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